Exam Review Sheet - Physical Science Page 2


Name:______________________________________________________           P eriod:______________           D ate:_________________________  
15. Atoms have no electric charge when they have an equal number of
____________________ and protons.
16. Evaporating requires energy to be ____________________ to a substance.
17. Substances that conduct an electric current only under certain conditions are most likely
to be ____________________.
18. Atoms of elements that are in the same group have the same number of
____________________ electrons.
19. Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is a ____________________.
20. Metals can be used as wire because they are ____________________.
21. Each row in the period table ends with a ____________________ gas.
22. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons are called
23. Matter in which atems are tightly held in place is a ____________________.
24. How many atoms are in a molecule of H
? ____________________
25. The group immediately to the left of the noble gasses (#17, or #7A) is called
26. The elements in the middle of the periodic table (groups 3-12) are called
____________________ ____________________.
27. Atoms that gain or lose electrons are called ____________________.
28. Burning is a ____________________ change.
29. Which metalloid is in the fourth period and the same group as carbon?
30. Most halogens form compounds by gaining an ____________________ to form a
negative ion.
HAYES/LIPTAK/LORICH   P hysical   S cience  


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