Towing Complaint Form - Office Of The Attorney General Of Virginia (Consumer Protection Section) Page 4


 SECTION 5 – Full Description of Complaint - Use additional sheets if necessary
( Use additional sheets if necessary )
 SECTION 6 – Disclaimers and Affidavits
The information requested on this form and on any
By signing this form, you authorize the Office Attorney of the
subsequent requests for additional information is subject to
Attorney General and any other local, state or federal
the Virginia Government Data Collection and Dissemination
agencies to which we may refer your complaint, to evaluate
Practices Act, Va. Code Section 2.2-3800 et seq.
your complaint, to contact you and to take whatever lawful
The information requested on this form is submitted so that
actions are deemed appropriate with regard to your
this Office may determine whether there have been any
actions in violation of Va. Code Section 46.2-118, 46.2-1217,
By signing this form, you certify that the statements made
46.2-1231 and 46.2-1233.1.
herein or on any attached documentation are true and
All information provided to this Office is available for public
complete to the best of your knowledge, information and
inspection under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act,
Va. Code Section 2.2-3700 et seq., except in the case of
ongoing investigations. Closed complaints will be retained
until they are destroyed in accordance with established
procedures for destroying public records.
Signature of complainant or authorized agent
(Revised 11/12)
Mail to Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Protection Section, 900 East Main St., Richmond, VA 23219 or fax to (804) 225-4378


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