Contract Owner Authorization Form Page 2


State Tax Withholding – The Owner must elect the appropriate box
The Owner and Service Provider hereby agree, for themselves and
any related parties, to jointly and severally release, indemnify and
No, I elect not to have state income tax withheld.
hold harmless JNL and its related parties from and against any and
all claims, losses, liabilities or damages, costs or expenses,
Yes, withhold state income taxes from each payment at the
including but not limited to taxes, penalties and/or interest
following percentage _______ %.
(individually and collectively referred to as “Loss”) arising out of this
Agreement. JNL is not responsible and has no liability for any Loss
This withholding election will remain in effect and will apply to all
incurred by the Owner or Service Provider as a result of the
subsequent payments made to you as part of this Agreement until you
transactions contemplated by this Agreement except in the event
change or revoke it. You may make, change or revoke an election at
that the Owner or Service Provider suffer any such Loss as a result
any time with regard to subsequent distributions by contacting us and
of the willful misconduct of JNL or its employees in processing
completing a new election.
transfers or partial surrender requests made by Service Provider.
Term/Assignability/Conflicting Agreements
JNL does not give tax or legal advice about the tax treatment of
This Agreement shall remain in effect until JNL receives written
withdrawals from annuities. The laws regarding the tax treatment of
notice of termination from the Owner or Service Provider. While this
withdrawals from Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section 408 and
Agreement is in effect, the Service Provider may perform the acts
403(b) annuities to pay investment advisory allocation fees is not well
that the Owner has authorized it to perform, even after the Owner
established. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”)
becomes disabled. If the Owner dies before JNL receives written
may treat such withdrawals as distributions even though JNL will not
notice of termination, any act by JNL or the Service Provider which
report such payments to the IRS. The Owner should consult his or
is performed in good faith reliance on this Agreement without actual
her own attorney or tax advisor regarding matters associated with this
knowledge of the Owner’s death will bind the Owner’s heirs, legal
representatives and assigns.
JNL is not required to follow requests or instructions from the Service
This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by the Owner or
Provider until it has received this Agreement signed by all parties.
the Service Provider.
JNL is not providing investment advice to the Owner in following the
request or instructions from the Service Provider.
The Owner and the Service Provider acknowledge that they have
entered into other agreements relating to investment advisory
JNL has no responsibility or liability to determine the frequency,
services, however it is agreed that in the event any terms of such
accuracy or reasonableness of any amount or calculation set forth in
other agreements conflict with the terms of this Agreement, then the
instructions from the Service Provider. JNL has no responsibility or
terms of this Agreement shall control.
liability to determine that instructions received from the Service
Provider are in compliance with the written advisory agreement
between the Owner and the Service Provider.
A ll notices to JNL should be sent to:
JNL does not make any representation or warranty, by accepting
Jackson National Life Service Center
instructions or by executing an advisory services agreement or
P.O. Box 17240
otherwise, concerning the tax treatment of payment of fees under
Denver, CO 80217-0240
Federal tax law, or otherwise. Furthermore, JNL has no responsibility
or liability for any taxes, penalties, and/or interest which may be
Effective Date:
assessed by the IRS or other administrative tribunal or court arising
out of this Agreement.
Contract Owner
Social Security/Tax I.D. Number:
Name – Joint Owner:
JNL Contract Number:
Asset Allocation Service Provider
Phone Number:


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