Pta Audit Report Form


Audit Report Form
Name of PTA/PTSA or Council _______________________________________________City_________________
This audit is for the 2015 fiscal PTA/PTSA year.
For most units this will be July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
or from __________ to __________ if your year is different
. Beginning Balance (as of last date covered by last audit)
$ ______________
2. Income (total receipts from the beginning to the end of the period covered by this audit)
$ ______________
3. Total Cash (add number 1 and number 2)
$ ______________
4. Expenses (total disbursements from the beginning to the end of the period covered by this audit) $ ______________
5. Ending Balance (subtract number 4 from number 3)
$ ______________
6. Bank Statement Balance (for last month covered by this audit)
$ ______________
7. Checks Outstanding _______________
Total Checks Outstanding
8. Bank Account Balance (Subtract number 7 from number 6)
Date of Audit: ________________
We have examined the books of _____________________________________________________PTA/PTSA (circle one)
or the financial year _______________ and find them to be: (Please choose one)
_____Correct _____Incomplete ______ Incorrect
Substantially correct with the following adjustments:
Auditors’ Signature:
Audit Committee Chair __________________________________ (or professional auditor) Phone # ________________
2. (Member) ___________________________________________________ Phone # ___________________________
3. (Member) ___________________________________________________ Phone # ___________________________
Please include telephone numbers for all auditors.
Copy and submit completed Audit Report Form(s) for all checking and savings accounts
to the Massachusetts PTA by November 15,2015
Massachusetts PTA, 405 Waltham Street, #147, Lexington, MA 02421, 617-861-7910
This report should be presented to the PTA/PTSA at its first general meeting following the audit.


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