Pta Annual Financial Review Form Page 2


Fiscal Year:
Name of PTA/PTSA/Council_________________________________Region_______________
1. Beginning Balance
(as of the last date covered by last audit)
2. Receipts
(total receipts from beginning to the end of fiscal year)
3. Total Cash
(add line 1 and line 2)
4. Disbursements
(total disbursements from beginning to end of fiscal year)
5. Ending Balance
(subtract line 4 from line 3)
6. Bank Statement Balance
(from the last month covered of fiscal year)
7. Outstanding Checks
Total Outstanding Checks
8. Outstanding Deposits ____________
Total Outstanding Deposits $______________________
9. Account Balance
(subtract line 7 from line 6, then add line 8)
(balances in line 5 and line 9 should match)
Date of Review__________________________________
We have examined the books of _________________________________________for the fiscal
year of
and find them to be: (Please choose one)
____Substantially Correct
Substantially correct with the following adjustments: ___________________________________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
Signatures of Review Committee:
1. Chair: _______________________________________
2. Member_____________________________________
3. Member_____________________________________
Ø The financial review/audit should be conducted at the close of the PTA’s fiscal year.
Ø This report should be presented for adoption by the general membership at the first general
meeting following the review.
Ø Mail a copy of this report, the Treasurer’s Year-End Fiscal Report and copy of your
required, filed IRS form 990 or e-postcard to Missouri PTA by December 1.
Keep copies for your records.


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