Pta Annual Financial Review Form


Dear Unit President and Treasurer:
As your unit gets closer to the end of the fiscal year, it is time to make sure that one last report is completed –
The Annual Financial Review (Audit). As president, it is your job to make sure this is completed by the
financial review committee and approved by the unit at the first general meeting of the year. As treasurer, you
should close the financial records, prepare a year-end fiscal report covering the entire fiscal year, and prepare
records for the annual financial review/audit process. For your convenience, a blank annual financial review
form is printed on the reverse side of this letter.
The purpose of an annual financial review is to:
To certify the accuracy of the books and records of the financial officer, and
To assure the membership that the association’s resources/funds are being managed in a businesslike
manner within the regulations established for their use.
National PTA Back-To-School Kit,
Information about annual financial review procedures is included in
and in the MOPTA Tool Kit
and on our web site at If your unit/council
has any questions or concerns about this process, please contact the state office or treasurer. Alternately you
can have a professional auditor conduct a professional audit.
Missouri PTA must account to the IRS the ‘Unit in Good Standing” status of each PTA. Therefore, MOPTA
requires that each unit/council forward a signed copy of the Annual Financial Review (Audit) after your
unit/council has approved it, along with copies of the Treasurer’s Year-End Fiscal Report and a copy of the
required, filed IRS Form 990 or e-Postcard, on or before December 1. These documents will be held on file.
If your unit/council should at any time need a copy of these forms they are available upon request.
Please complete the form below as well as the Annual Financial Review Form on the reverse side (or attach
similar report or audit report from professional auditor) and forward to the state office.
As stated in your unit bylaws, this is a requirement of every unit/council to remain a “Unit in Good
Standing” with Missouri and National PTA.
Fiscal Year
_________________ Date of Review/Audit _________________
Unit/Council ___________________________________________________
Mail to:
Missouri PTA
2101 Burlington Street
Columbia, MO 65202


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