Rental Agreement Template - Fun Booth Rentals Llc. Page 2


Safety and Liability Terms and Conditions
This Safety and Liability Terms and Conditions shall operate in conjunction with the Rental Agreement
between the Lessor and the Lessee. Product or Products listed above will be referenced in the Safety and
liability terms and condition as “Unit”.
The safety of each and every child and/or person that utilizes the Unit is incumbent on the
Lessee. The Lessee must supervise and take responsibility to make sure that there is adult supervision of
the Unit at all times that a child/children and or persons are utilizing the Unit. Failure to adequately
supervise children or persons utilizing the Unit may be the leading cause to a child or children being
injured while using or being around a Unit. Lessee has control of the Unit after it is delivered until the time
it is picked up again by the lessor, and therefore must ensure the safe operation of the unit for the safety
of all persons who utilize the unit.
Since Lessor, delivers the Unit and picks up the Unit from Lessee’s property, lessor does not
provide any supervision or employees with the Unit during the rental period. Lessee agrees to that they
alone will be responsible for the safe operation of the Unit, and shall indemnify Lessor for claims and/or
lawsuits arising from any accidents, injuries or damages of any kind arising from the use of the Unit
sustained by the Lessee or any of Lessee’s guests.
Lessor provides you with the following General Rules and Suggestions to minimize injury to persons and
damage to personal or other property:
1. General rules to follow during use of the unit:
A. The unit must be supervised by lessee or any other responsible adult at all times the
Unit is being used. Children safety depends upon you. Your personal supervision is
absolutely paramount
B. All riders must remove their shoes and all sharp or protruding or metal objects before
entering the unit.
C. To avoid neck and back injuries, children or persons using the unit should not be
permitted to do flips of any kind.
D. Lessee must ensure all posted warning on the units are followed by everyone using
the unit. As the lessee of the unit the safety of all riders is your responsibility.
E. Absolutely no “Silly String”, gum, candy, food or other sticky substances are allowed in
the unit. (If upon pick-up such cleaning is required, then a $ 50.00 cleaning fee shall
automatically be imposed.)
F. Do not move the Unit from the place where it was installed. If the unit moves, pull
the corner back to its original location of installation. Absolutely, keep the Unit away
from swimming pools.
G. No pets allowed inside the Unit. Long hair should be tied back before using the unit.
H. If any injuries occur while using the Unit, the injury must be reported in writing to
the lessor, within 24 hours of the occurrence.
2. Special instructions: If the Unit begins to deflate: I) The motor may have stopped in which


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