Form Of Codicil


Form of Codicil
Please complete this form and send to your solicitor.
I, ______________________________________________________________________________________
(name in block capitals)
Declare this to be a Codicil which I make this __________day __________ of 20________
To my Will which bears the date __________day __________of 20________
I bequeath to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (‘The College’) or to any successor body carrying out
the same or similar charitable work the sum of
£ ___________
Amount in words ___________________________________________________________
free of all taxes whether payable in the United Kingdom or in countries overseas for the general purposes of
the College and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer for the time being of the College shall be
sufficient discharge for the same.
In all other respects I confirm my said Will. In witness thereof I have here unto set my hand the day and year
first above written.
Signed by the said Testor/rix (Signature) _______________________________________________________
As a Codicil to his/her last Will in our joint presence and by us in his/hers.
(name in block capitals) of
(name in block capitals) of
Registered Charity 299872


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