I hereby attest that I do not suffer from any heart, lung, or other medical condition or disease that might
in any way hinder or prevent me from participating in a Bubble Soccer event, and in any event, I agree
that I participate at my own risk. In consideration of my participation in Bubble Soccer, I hereby release,
discharge, promise not to sue, and hold harmless Bay Area Bubble Soccer and its officers, directors,
employees, members, volunteers, subsidiaries, agents, successors, and assigns from any and all liability
that may arise, directly or indirectly, now or in the future, by reason of any injury, damage, loss, or
expense incurred in connection with my participation in Bubble Soccer, including that caused solely or in
part by the fault (including but not limited to negligence, gross negligence, and/or recklessness) of the
above-named parties. This Release and Waiver of Liability shall be binding on my heirs, executors,
administrators, successors, and assigns from now and at any time in the future.
Publicity Release Form: In connection with my participation in the production of any print, audio or
filmed program material produced by Bay Area Bubble Soccer, I hereby grant, assign and convey to Bay
Area Bubble Soccer all rights, titles and interest I may have in and to the specified program material in
and to any reproduction made there from.
I also irrevocably authorize Bay Area Bubble Soccer free of charge and without limitation to broadcast,
distribute and/or exhibit the specified program material and any reproduction made there from or any
portions thereof. This also specifically includes permission for me to appear in photographs or videotape
of the events.
Participant(s) Name______________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Waiver for Minors (If participant is under 18)
The undersigned parent and natural guardian or legal guardian does hereby represent that she/he is in
fact acting in such capacity and agrees to defend, save, hold harmless and indemnify each and all parties
referred to above from all liability, loss, cost, claim or damage whatsoever which may be imposed upon
said parties because of any defect or lack of such capacity to so act and release said parties on behalf of
both the minor and parent or legal guardian.