Crossfit Deer Park Group Training Policies And Liability Release


CrossFit Deer Park Group Training
Policies and Liability Release
Address: __________________________Phone: _____________________
City: ____________________________ State/Zip: ___________________
Email Address: ________________________ Cell: ___________________
Date of Birth: _______________Age: _________Gender: _______________
Phone: __________________ Emergency Contact: ____________________
CrossFit Deer Park brings an uplifting and challenging aspect to the fitness community. Power packed strength,
agility, and endurance exercise program that provides an exuberating and energetic environment for individuals of
all fitness levels to train. Please read the following policies and liability statements.
CrossFit Deer Park Exercise program:
• All forms must be filled out and signed prior to the start of the first session. Please bring all forms with you on the
first day.
• Attire: Wear comfortable tennis shoes. No flip flops allowed. Appropriate workout attire is needed. You must
bring a water bottle with you to every session in order to maintain hydration. If possible please bring an exercise
• Training sessions will begin promptly at the time specified. Payment must be made prior to participating in
exercise program. Your membership is not guaranteed until payment is received. Cash or Check payments may be
• Reimbursement or credits: CrossFit Deer Park, Scott Anderson, does not offer refunds or credits, so please be sure
that our services will match your needs before committing through payment. If any medical conditions or injury
becomes present during the session it is up to the discretion of the CrossFit Deer Park to reimburse, on a prorated
amount, any unused training days. If in the event a class must be canceled, you will be given sufficient notice.
• Injury: You are fully responsible for any injury you incur before, during, or after workouts. The trainer will not be
held accountable in any manner, legal or otherwise. Any injury incurred before, during, or after workout sessions is
solely the responsibility of the client. Focusing during your workout and following directions will help prevent any
injury. It’s the client’s responsibility to communicate any symptoms or discomfort during the session.
• No verbal agreement can alter or change the conditions of this agreement in any part.


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