Month-To-Month Agreement Form - State Of California Page 2

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11. Tenant shall not assign this agreement nor sub-let said apartment or any part thereof without written
consent of Owner or his agent.
12. Pursuant, to Civil Code, Sec. 1954, all state and municipal codes, local ordinance, or health, safety or fire
prevention rules, regulations or directives or any case decision concerning the proper maintenance and care of the
demised premises and its contents, Landlord reserves the right to itself or its agents, to enter the premises at such
reasonable times, with or without Tenant's presence, and for such reasonable purposes, including the inspection and
showing of said premises at any time during reasonable business hours pursuant to the laws and guidelines referred to
above, to inspect the same, to see that no damages have occurred thereto and to determine if said property is still
occupied. Tenant specifically agrees not to change any lock or add any lock device to said premises without the prior
written consent of Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord has a key to the premises and may use the same for
entry, as provided herein.
13. Tenant shall not paint or make any alterations to said apartment without written consent of Owner of his
14. Owner shall, at his sole cost and expense, keep and maintain the exterior walls, roof, electric wiring, and
heating system in good and sanitary order, condition, repair, except where damage has been caused by abuse or
negligence of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall repair same at this sole cost and expense. Tenant, except as herein
expressly provided, shall at his sole and expense, keep and maintain said apartment and appurtenances any very part
thereof including all household furniture, goods, chattels, belonging to owner in good and sanitary order, condition
and repair. Tenant agrees to request all repairs and services in writing to Owner's designated representative.
15. Tenant agrees that he shall not keep or permit to be kept in or about said apartment, any dog, cat, bird,
other pet or animal, without the specific written permission of Owner or his agent.
16. Use by Tenant of the common
area facilities of the apartment shall be subject to such rules and
regulations as may be established by Owner and which may be changed or amended from time to time by Owner at his
sole discretion.
17. Tenant shall not commit, nor allow to be committed, any waste upon said apartment or any nuisance, or
other act or thing which may disturb the quiet enjoyment of any other tenant in the building in which said apartment
may be located.
18. Tenant shall comply with laws, ordinances and governmental regulations applicable to said apartment or to
the use thereof.
19. In the event Owner shall bring any action in connection herewith Owner shall be entitled to receive as part
of such action reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. Tenant also agrees to pay any other reasonable expenses
that Owner incurs in the enforcement of any of the covenants or provisions hereof, or in the recovery of rent or
20. The waiver by Owner of any breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be
deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition herein
21. All notices to be given to Tenant may be given in writing personally, or by depositing the same in the
United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to Tenant at said apartment, whether or not tenant has departed
from, abandoned or vacated the apartment.
22. By this reference, Tenant's Rental Application, Inspection Check List, House Rules, Rules Acknowledgment,
and any supplements thereto, receipt of a copy of each is acknowledged by Tenant are incorporated herein and made
a part of this Rental Agreement.
23. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between owner and tenant, except as expressly provided
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written.


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