Confirmation Of Military Experience Page 3


Confirmation of Military Experience for Military Accreditation Scheme (MAS)
Credits in Accordance with Article 10 of Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 –
The qualifying criteria and credits available under the Military Accreditation Scheme (MAS) are set out in CAP 804, Section 4,
Part O.
This form must be completed to confirm the applicant's entitlement for Credits accepted under the terms of the MAS for
persons who are or have been serving members of the UK Armed Forces. Credits are granted under the terms of the EASA
Credit Report, in accordance with Article 10 of the EASA Aircrew Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011), as
submitted by 22 (Trg) Group RAF , and as agreed with the CAA in consultation with the Agency. The credits derived from this
report are published in CAP 804.
An applicant claiming credits under the MAS must include this form in support of their application to the CAA for the grant
of any licence, rating, certificate or when applying to take theoretical knowledge examinations based on their military training.
Where the application for the licence, rating or certificate will include training carried out at an Approved Training
Organisation, a copy of this form must also be retained as part of the Training Records for that individual at the ATO making
the recommendation for licence/rating/certificate issue.
The applicant must submit certified copies of their Personal Flying Log pages and clearly identify their qualifications and flight
experience that is relevant to their application for military credits.
The declaration at Section 7 must be completed by the applicant's Commanding Officer or the Head of Training of the ATO
where the additional training was completed.
Where an applicant for the licence, rating or certificate is not required under the terms of the MAS to complete training at
an ATO prior to undertaking the Skill Test, the Declaration of Commanding Officer (Section 7) is acceptable as a
Recommendation for test as required by FCL.030.
Guidance for the completion of this application form
1) Section 1 - Applicant Details.
• All applicants are to complete the section.
Ensure that the applicant's full name is given.
The CAA Personal Reference number, if applicable, will be found on any licence or medical certificate that has been issued to the
2) Section 3 - Service Details.
• Applicants are to give details of their military service and service number.
3) Section 4, Military training level
• Applicants shall give details of the training completed in military service. The credits applicable according to the military level
achieved are set out in CAP 804, Section 4, Part O. For QMP credits, applicants must provide documentary evidence that they
obtained the appropriate level of training (and were issued with their wings, if applicable), for the MAS credits requested.
4) Section 5, Flying experience in Military aircraft.
• This section is to be completed by the applicant. Please refer to CAP 804, Section 4, Part O for the multi pilot aircraft types eligible
for which credit may be given.
5) Section 6, Applicant's Declaration.
• This section is to be completed by the applicant.
6) Section 7 . Declaration of Commanding Officer, Flight Commander or ATO Head of Training.
• This Section shall be completed by an officer at the level of Staff Officer 2 (Lt Cdr/Maj/Sqn Ldr) or above, who must be at least one
rank senior to the individual whose eligibility is being confirmed. Alternatively, the CAA will accept the signature of the Head of
Training of an ATO who has reviewed the applicant's military records and confirms their compliance with the eligibility criteria
published in CAP 804.
Form SRG 2133 Issue 03 August 2016 Guidance Notes
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