Volunteer Application - Ymca Of Greater Long Beach Page 4

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1. In order to protect YMCA staff, volunteers, and program participants at no time during a YMCA program
may a volunteer be alone with a single child where others cannot observe them. As staff and volunteers
supervise children, they should space themselves in a way that other adults can see them.
2. Staff and volunteers shall never leave a child unsupervised.
3. Restroom supervision: Staff will make sure the restroom is not occupied by suspicious or unknown
individuals before allowing children to use the facilities. Staff will stand in the doorway while children are
using the restroom. This policy allows privacy for the children and protection for the staff (not being
alone with a child). If staff are assisting younger children, doors to the facility must remain open. No
child, regardless of age, should ever enter a bathroom alone on a field trip; always seen children in pairs.
4. Staff and volunteers should conduct or supervise private activities in pairs – diapering, putting on
bathing suits, taking showers, etc. When this is not feasible, staff should be positioned so that they are
visible to others.
5. Staff and volunteers shall not abuse children including:
a. Physical Abuse – striking, spanking, shaking, slapping
b. Verbal Abuse – humiliating, degrading, threatening
c. Sexual Abuse – inappropriate touch or verbal exchange
d. Mental Abuse – shaming, withholding love, cruelty
e. Neglect – withholding food, water, basic care, etc.
Any type of abuse will not be tolerated and may be cause to end volunteering.
6. Staff and volunteers must use positive techniques of guidance, including redirection, positive
reinforcement and encouragement rather than competition, comparison, and criticism. Staff and
volunteers will have age appropriate expectations and set up guidelines and environments that minimize
the need for discipline. Physical restraint is used only in pre-determined situations (necessary to protect
the child or other children from harm), is only administered in a prescribed manner and must be
documented in writing.
7. Staff will conduct a health check of each child, each day, as they enter the program, noting any fever,
bumps, bruises, burns, etc. Questions or comments will be addressed to the parent or child in a non-
threatening way. Any questionable marks or responses will be documented.
8. Staff and volunteers will respond to children with respect and consideration, and treat all children equally
regardless of sex, race, religion or culture.
9. Staff and volunteers will respect children’s rights to not be touched in ways that make them feel
uncomfortable, and their right to say NO. Other than diapering, children are not to be touched on areas
of their bodies that would be covered by a bathing suit.
10. Staff and volunteers will refrain from intimate displays of affection towards others in the presence of
children, parents and staff.
11. While the YMCA does not discriminate against an individual’s lifestyle, it does require that in the
performance of their job they will abide by the standards of conduct set forth by the YMCA.
12. Staff and volunteers must appear clean, neat, and appropriately attired.
13. Using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during working hours is
14. Smoking or use of tobacco in the presence of children or parents during working hours is prohibited.


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