Bill Of Rights Organizer Page 3


Amendment VI
“In all criminal prosecutions,
the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public
trial, by an impartial jury of
the State and district wherein
the crime shall have been
committed, which district
shall have been previously
ascertained by law, and to be
informed of the nature and
cause of the accusation; to be
confronted with the witnesses
against him; to have
compulsory process for
obtaining witnesses in his
favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his
defence. [sic]”
Amendment VII
“In Suits at common law,
where the value in controversy
shall exceed twenty dollars,
the right of trial by jury shall
be preserved, and no fact tried
by a jury, shall be otherwise
re-examined in any Court of
the United States, than
according to the rules of the
common law.”
Amendment VIII
“Excessive bail shall not be
required, nor excessive fines
imposed, nor cruel and
unusual punishments


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