Bullying Prevention Report Form


Bullying Prevention Report Form
- Please print form, fill out and submit to Julia Jilek in the office.
Envelopes are available in the office if desired.
* = Required
Name of Reporter/Person Filling Out Report ________________________________________
(Note: Reports may be made anonymously, but no disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged aggressor solely on
the basis of an anonymous report.)
Check whether you are the: *
Target of the behavior
Reporter (not the target)
Check whether you are a : *
Staff Member
Other: _________________________________
Your contact information/telephone number (optional): ______________________________________
Your School or Worksite: * __________________________________
Nature of bullying: *
(check all that apply)
Physical (persistent pushing/shoving, making threats, defacing property, stealing, etc.)
Emotional (persistent name calling, teasing, insulting, harassing phone calls, etc.)
Social (persistent gossiping, teasing about looks, excluding someone from groups, arranging public
humiliation, etc.)
Cyber (persistent texting/messaging threats, posting defamatory Web sites, e-mailing derogatory
photos, stalking etc.)
Name of student or Group of Students Targeted by Bullying Behavior: *
Person or Persons who are doing the Bullying: *
Date(s) of incident(s): ________________________________________________________________
Time when incident(s) occurred: ________________________________________________________
Location of incident(s): ________________________________________________________________


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