SF 53349
Indiana Department of Revenue
Vendor, Contractor, or Subcontractor Confi dentiality Agreement
Indiana Code section 6-8.1-7-1(a) and Chapter 45 of the Indiana Administrative Code, Section 15-7, et seq., make all information
acquired in administering taxes confi dential. The Indiana Administrative Code and applicable statutes (collectively “Code”) hold a
vendor, contractor or subcontractor and their employees who sell a product or provide a service to the Indiana Department of Revenue,
or who access Department data, to the strict confi dentiality provisions of the Code. Confi dential tax information includes, but is not
limited to, information obtained in connection with the administration of a tax or information or parameters that would enable a person
to ascertain the audit selection or processing criteria of the Indiana Department of Revenue for a tax administered by the Department.
INSTRUCTIONS: Read this entire form before you sign it. If you do not complete this agreement, you will be denied access to the
Indiana Department of Revenue and federal tax information. After you sign and date this form, keep a copy for your records. Send the
original to: Disclosure Offi cer, Indiana Department of Revenue, 100 N. Senate Avenue, Room N-248 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2253.
Company Name and Address (Street or RR#, City, State, Zip Code)
Offi cial or Employee Name
Name of State of Indiana Agency
Employee Identifi cation Number or Driver’s License Number
Sub-Contractor’s Name if Product/Service Furnished to Contractor
Describe here or in a separate attachment the product or service being provided to the State of Indiana Agency.
Confi dentiality Provisions. It is illegal to reveal or browse the following, except as authorized:
All tax return information obtained in connection with the administration of a tax. This includes information from a tax
return or audit and any information about the selection of a return for audit, assessment or collection, or parameters or
tolerances for processing returns.
All Indiana Department of Revenue or federal tax returns or tax return information made available, including information
marked “Offi cial Use Only”. Tax returns or tax return information shall not be divulged or made known in any manner to
any person except as may be needed to perform offi cial duties. Access to Department or federal tax information, in paper
or electronic form, is only allowed for compliance or collection purposes, or otherwise permitted under 45 IAC 15-7-1.
Disclosure of return information to other employees of your department, agency, division or offi ce, must meet statutorily-
defi ned criteria and must be required for them to perform their offi cial duties.
Confi dential information shall not be disclosed by a department employee to confi rm information made public by another
party or source which is part of any public record. IC 6-8.1-7-1(a).
Penalty. Violating confi dentiality laws is a felony, with penalties as described:
Agency Discipline
Absence of criminal prosecution does not prevent your agency from pursuing internal sanctions for unauthorized accessing, browsing,
or disclosing state or federal tax returns or tax return information.
Indiana Penalties
IC 6-8.1-7-1(a) prohibits the disclosure of any Indiana tax return or information contained in a return. Browsing is defi ned as exam-
ining a return or return information acquired without authorization and without a need to know the information to perform offi cial
duties. Violators of IC 6-8.1-7-1 are guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and subject to any and all fi nes and penalties so prescribed. State
employees will be immediately dismissed from state service upon conviction.
Federal Penalties
If you willfully disclose federal tax returns or tax return information to a third party, you are guilty of a felony with a fi ne of $5,000 or
imprisonment for fi ve years, or both, plus prosecution costs according to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §7213, 26 USC 7213.