Official Form 17C (12/14)
[This certification must be appended to your brief if the length of your brief is calculated by maximum
number of words or lines of text rather than number of pages.]
Certificate of Compliance With Rule 8015(a)(7)(B) or 8016(d)(2)
This brief complies with the type-volume limitation of Rule 8015(a)(7)(B) or 8016(d)(2) because:
this brief contains [state the number of] words, excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Rule
8015(a)(7)(B)(iii) or 8016(d)(2)(D), or
this brief uses a monospaced typeface having no more than 10½ characters per inch and
contains [state the number of] lines of text, excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Rule
8015(a)(7)(B)(iii) or 8016(d)(2)(D).
Print name of person signing certificate of compliance: