Energy In The Rock Cycle - Student Sheet


Student Sheet
Title: Energy in the Rock Cycle
Introduction: The rock cycle is like a bicycle. It only operates when energy is applied.
We have studied a lot about energy and how it works. It is difficult to observe the
energy expended in the rock cycle. Some of the energy is applied over long periods of
time. The energy is usually invisible and some changes occur deep underground where
we can’t see them. There are several types of energy that are involved. Read the
descriptions below of each type of energy before you begin the activity:
Solar Energy - Energy from the sun provides heat and light. Solar energy is
responsible for wind and rain.
Gravity - Gravity pulls all objects towards the center of Earth.
Heat Energy - Earth was once a molten ball of rock. It has not entirely cooled off.
Radioactive Decay - Earth’s crust and mantle contain many radioactive elements
that heat rocks.
Chemical energy - chemicals dissolved in water harden sediments into solid rock.
Pressure - Gravity acting on objects creates pressure and heat.
1. Go to my website and under the “Cool Links” click on the Rock Cycle Animations
2. READ the information in each animation
3. and fill in the blanks on the diagram of the rock cycle to show what kind of energy
is necessary to change rock from one type to another. Use the information from
the website to help you.
4. There are seven energy types and eight blanks so you will need to use one type
5. Answer the following questions.
Analysis Questions:
1. What type of energy is allowing a volcano to erupt?
2. How is the sun involved in breaking down rocks?
3. Describe how gravity might break rock:
4. Ice wedging and heat expansion are ways rock is weathered. What is their source of


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