Certificate Of Compliance Template


Particulars of Electrical Installation
Name of Consumer: ________________________________________________
Address of Installation: ______________________________________________
Electrical Installation Licence No.
_________ MSS Account No. _____________
Approved load & Supply Voltage: _______________ kW ____________ Volts
Generator(s) Installed:
Operated in parallel with PowerGrid’s network.
No. of generator: ________ Rating: _________ kVA
Standby generator.
No. of generator: ________ Rating: _________ kVA
Not applicable
Electrical Installation Design Certification
I certify that the design of the above-mentioned electrical installation complies with the
requirements of the Electricity (Electrical Installations) Regulations 2002 and the relevant
Singapore Standard Code of Practice.
With the certification of compliance by the LEW
responsible for the installation work as shown below, I hereby request for the energisation of
the supply line to the said electrical installation on _________________ (date).
Name & Signature of LEW responsible
Licence No.
for design of electrical installation*
Electrical Installation Inspection Certification
I have supervised the work of the above-mentioned electrical installation and hereby certify
that the electrical installation complies with the requirements of the Electricity (Electrical
Installations) Regulations 2002 and the relevant Singapore Standard Code of Practice. I
further certify that the technical requirements as stipulated by the person responsible for
turning on the switchgear which controls the supply of electricity to the said electrical
installation have been complied with.
Name & Signature of LEW responsible
Licence No.
for electrical installation work*
* The same LEW may perform both design and installation work for the electrical installation.
Copy to:
Market Support Services Licensee
REF: E(EI)Reg5(2)


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