Form Ct-6251, 2013 Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return Page 3

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Form CT-6251 Schedule A
Schedule A - Credit for Alternative Minimum Tax Paid to Qualifying Jurisdictions
You must attach a copy of your return fi led with the qualifying jurisdiction(s) or your credit will be disallowed.
49. Modifi ed adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income: See instructions.
Column A
Column B
For each column, enter the following:
50. Enter qualifying jurisdiction’s name and two-letter code.
51. Enter the non-Connecticut adjusted federal alternative
minimum taxable income included on Line 49 which is
subject to a qualifying jurisdiction’s alternative minimum tax.
52. Divide Line 51 by Line 49. Round to four decimal places.
53. Enter the net Connecticut minimum tax (from Form CT-6251,
Line 21). Part-Year Residents, see instructions below.
54. Multiply Line 52 by Line 53.
55. Alternative minimum tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction: See instructions. 55.
56. Enter the lesser of Line 54 or Line 55.
57. Total credit: Add Line 56, all columns. Enter amount here and on Line 22 on the front of this form.
If you claim credit for alternative minimum tax paid to another state of the United States, a political subdivision within another state, or the District
of Columbia, enter the appropriate two-letter code. For a list of the standard two-letter code for each state, see Schedule 2 - Credit for Income
Taxes Paid to Qualifying Jurisdictions in the instructions to Form CT-1040 or Form CT-1040NR/PY.
Line Instructions
Line 49
Line 54
Residents: Enter the amount of adjusted federal alternative
Multiply the percentage arrived at on Line 52 by the amount
minimum taxable income from Form CT-6251, Line 5. However,
reported on Line 53.
if a taxpayer’s adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable
Line 55
income includes a net loss derived from or connected with
Enter the total amount of alternative minimum tax
sources in a qualifying jurisdiction(s), the taxpayer must add the
paid to a qualifying jurisdiction.
net loss to the amount of adjusted federal alternative minimum
taxable income from Line 5 and enter the result.
Part-Year Residents: Enter the amount of alternative minimum
tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction on items of income, gain, loss,
Part-Year Residents: Enter the portion of adjusted federal
or deduction derived from or connected with sources in that
alternative minimum taxable income from Form CT-6251, Line 5,
jurisdiction during the residency portion of the taxable year.
attributable to the residency portion of the taxable year. However,
if a part-year resident’s adjusted federal alternative minimum
If the alternative minimum tax paid to that jurisdiction was
taxable income includes a net loss derived from or connected
also based on income earned during the nonresidency portion
with sources in a qualifying jurisdiction(s), the taxpayer must
of your taxable year, you must prorate the amount of tax for
add the net loss to the amount of adjusted federal alternative
which you are claiming credit. The proration is based upon the
minimum taxable income from Line 5 attributable to the residency
relationship that the income earned in that jurisdiction during
portion of the taxable year.
your Connecticut residency bears to the total amount of income
that you earned in that jurisdiction in the taxable year.
Line 50
Enter the name and the two-letter code of each qualifying
Alternative minimum tax paid means the lesser of your tax
jurisdiction to which you paid alternative minimum tax for which
liability to the qualifying jurisdiction or the tax you paid to that
you are claiming credit.
jurisdiction as reported on a return fi led with that jurisdiction, but
not any penalty or interest.
Line 51
Enter the amount of the adjusted federal alternative minimum
Line 56
taxable income included on Line 49 subject to a qualifying
Enter the lesser of the amounts reported on Line 54 or Line 55.
jurisdiction’s alternative minimum tax.
Line 57
Line 52
Add the amounts from Line 56, Column A; Line 56, Column B;
Divide the amount on Line 51 by the amount on Line 49. The
and Line 56 of any additional worksheets. The amount on
result may not exceed 1.0000. Round to four decimal places.
Line 57 cannot exceed the total of Line 54. Enter the total on
Line 57 and on Line 22.
Line 53
Residents: Enter the amount from Form CT-6251, Line 21.
Part-Year Residents: Enter the portion of the 2013 net
Connecticut minimum tax liability attributable to the residency
portion of the taxable year.
Form CT-6251 Schedule A Instructions (Rev. 02/14)
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