Gsa Travel Award Application Packet Page 6


GSA Travel Award Faculty Recommendation Form
Note: Please fill up the form entirely and hand it to the student for submission in
a sealed envelope. This form will be kept confidential.
Student Name ______________ Department ________________
Faculty Member Name ____________ Department ________________
Faculty Email ID ____________________ Phone Number _______________
Instructions for Recommendations: For each category enter 0-4 based on your
perception of the student in each of the following four areas (4 – Excellent, 3 – Good,
2 – Fair, 1 – Poor, 0 – Not Enough Info)
Are you a research advisor of the student? (Yes / No)
Is this conference paper/poster peer reviewed? (Yes / No)
Have you read this paper/poster? (Yes / No)
Quality of Work to be Presented ____
Student’s Presentation Ability _____
Student’s Research Abilities _____
Student’s General Knowledge of the Field ______
Overall Quality of the Student’s Conference ______
Is the Applicant Giving an Oral Presentation ______
Please write any comments regarding the student (required)
Faculty Member’s Signature ______________________ Date _____________


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