Gsa Travel Award Application Packet Page 2


Rules and Regulations
1. Hereafter the term conference shall refer to any academic-related conference, seminar,
lecture, or workshop.
2. Special Achievement Awards will be granted to graduate students making an oral
presentation at off-campus conferences only.
3. General Achievement Awards will be granted to graduate students making a poster and/or
oral presentation at off-campus conferences only.
4. Award funds may only be spent on conference registration and preparation materials for local
conferences within the Newark/NYC metropolitan area. For conferences outside the
Newark/New York City metropolitan area, funds may be used for travel and lodging
expenses. Additionally, meal expenses can be claimed.
5. Each Special Achievement Award winner shall receive a maximum of $600.
6. Each General Achievement Award winner shall receive a maximum of $200.
7. All funds shall be granted on a reimbursement basis only. The reimbursement is made on the
basis of actual expenses and not on the basis of estimated budget.
8. All original receipts must be retained for reimbursement.
9. A student may find out his/her status by providing a written request to the Awards Committee
If an applicant has already won an award in the Academic year (Sep - Aug), it should be
specified in the application form (page 5).
An applicant may be awarded only one award per term and at the most two awards (including
Special Achievement Award and General Achievement Award) per academic year (Sep -
12. All decisions made by the GSA Awards Committee will be Final.


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