Whscc Form 7 Employers Report Of Injury Page 4


146 - 148 Forest Rd.
Phone: (709) 778-1000
146 - 148 Forest Rd.
P.O. Box 9000
Toll free: 1-800-563-9000
P.O. Box 9000
Additional Employer Information
St. John's, NL
Fax: (709) 778-1302
St. John's, NL
A1A 3B8
Toll free fax: 1-800-276-5257
A1A 3B8
Early and safe return-to-work
Employers' role in occupational health and
The goal of early and safe return to work is to safely
Ensure the health, safety and welfare of workers
return the worker to employment or employability that
and those not in your employ;
is comparable to the pre-injury level as soon as
possible. With effective return-to-work planning, the
Maintain a healthy and safe workplace, systems,
human and financial costs associated with a
equipment, and tools;
workplace injury are significantly reduced.
Provide operating instruction for the use of
Employers and workers are obligated to co-operate in
the worker's early and safe return to suitable and
Ensure workers are aware of hazards;
available employment with the injury employer. This
may involve modified work, ease back to regular
Establish an OH&S committee/worker health
work, transfer to an alternate job, or trial work to
and safety representative/workplace health and
assess the worker's capability.
safety designate as required and consult/co-
operate with them;
Re-employment obligation
Respond in writing to recommendations of the
OH&S committee / worker health and safety
Employers who have a legislative duty to modify the
representative / workplace health and safety
workplace in order to accommodate the injured
designate and provide them with periodic written
worker's return to the workplace are obligated to do
updates on implementation;
so to the extent that it does not cause undue hardship
for the employer. This may include work site/job
Make arrangements for and consult with the
modification or on-the-job skills development for
OH&S committee / worker health and safety
alternate work.
representative / workplace health and safety
designate during workplace inspections;
Finding the right duties
Co-operate with anyone exercising a duty
imposed under OH&S legislation;
When identifying early and safe return-to-work
opportunities with your employee, the first priority
Ensure safety clothing/equipment/devices are
should be to maintain the connection to the pre-injury
job at some level. Where this is not possible, it is
Ensure safety procedures are followed at all
important to work with your employee to identify
times; and
suitable and available employment that is within your
employee's physical capabilities. If you and your
Notify the Assistant Deputy Minister responsible
employee require any assistance during this process,
for OH&S in the provincial government of a
you should contact your case manager.
workplace accident that results in, or has the
potential to result in, a serious injury or fatality.
Documenting a plan
Once you and your employee have identified suitable
job duties that are in keeping with your employee's
abilities, you will complete an early and safe return-to-
work plan that outlines the agreed upon schedule and
progression of duties. If any change occurs to this
plan, you must immediately notify your case manager.
Your early and safe return-to-work plan should also
outline the scheduled hours and the hourly wage
earned. This information will then be used to
determine if there is any entitlement to compensation
during your return-to-work process.


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