Whscc Form 7 Employers Report Of Injury Page 3


146 - 148 Forest Rd.
Phone: (709) 778-1000
146 - 148 Forest Rd.
P.O. Box 9000
Instructions for Completing
Toll free: 1-800-563-9000
P.O. Box 9000
St. John's, NL
Employer's Report of Injury (Form 7)
Fax: (709) 778-1302
St. John's, NL
A1A 3B8
Toll free fax: 1-800-276-5257
A1A 3B8
Use this form when:
Section B – Injury / Incident Information
Your employee has a work-related injury / illness or
Did this injury develop over time without a specific
recurring work-related injury / illness that results in
injury / incident?
any of the following:
If the worker is unable to recall when the injury /
medical attention;
incident occurred or pain started, and there is no
loss of earnings; and / or
identifiable event, the injury may have developed
over time. The worker may report discomfort
lost-time from work.
performing their normal duties (e.g., full-time
This includes injuries or illnesses that occurred over
cashier continually scanning products with the left
time as well as those caused by a single event.
arm and begins to experience pain in the left
elbow). However, if the worker is able to say when
If you are a partner, proprietor or independent
their symptoms began, note this date on the form.
operator (also referred to as owner/operator on this
form), you do not need to complete this form.
Did the injury / incident happen on the employer's
Instead, you should complete a form 6 – worker's
property or worksite?
report of injury. Please note that coverage will be
extended only when optional personal coverage
Detailed information as to where the injury /
has been purchased from the Commission.
incident happened is important to process the
claim. For example, if on your premises, where did
Points to remember:
it occur? The shipping area, paint shop or
warehouse? If not, where did it happen? For
Complete and accurate information is important so
example, you operate a cleaning company and
as not to delay processing the claim.
your employee was working at a retail store when
If you have additional information, attach additional
the injury happened. In this case, note the name
pages noting the worker's name and SIN on each
and location of the store.
Describe your understanding of how the injury /
As per the Workplace Health, Safety and
incident occurred or condition developed.
Compensation Act, the form 7 must be forwarded
to the Commission within three days of the injury.
Detailed information about how the injury / incident
happened and what the worker was doing when it
Section A General Information
occurred is important to process the claim. This
may include information such as: sizes, weights
How long has this worker been in your employ?
and names of objects involved; a description of
Workers hired for one year or more before the
any machinery, tools or vehicles used at the time
injury are considered continuously employed
of the injury/incident; any environmental conditions
unless the year was interrupted by a work
(work area, temperature, noise, chemicals, gas,
cessation that ended the employment relationship.
fumes); if another person was involved; or any
For seasonal workers, periods of unemployment
information you think is important.
are not considered work cessation. For example, if
you employed the worker for three years except for
For example: “Bob was moving boxes in the
a seasonal period of five months per year, this
storage room. He lifted a 40-pound box from the
worker is considered to be in your employ for more
floor to put on a shelf. He twisted to the right while
than 12 months, even if the months are not
lifting, and hurt his upper back.”
If the condition developed over time, provide a
What date was the worker initially hired?
description of the worker’s duties. Explain how
often he / she performs a particular task; the sizes
This refers to the date the worker became your
and weights of objects involved; how long he / she
employee. If the worker has been hired in the past
has been doing this work; if there have been any
as a seasonal or temporary worker, record the
recent changes to the schedule and / or tools or
most recent hire date.
products he / she uses.
What occupation was the worker performing at the
time of the work injury / incident?
Additional information on access, release and protection of
In some cases, this may not be the worker's
your information by the Commission can be found in
regular job. For example, if the worker's normal
Policy GP-01: “Information Protection and Access,”
job is a welder, but he/she was temporarily
available at or by calling The Commission’s
working as a shipper / receiver when injured,
Access to Information and Protection for Privacy (ATIPP)
Co-ordinator at 1-800-563-9000.
shipper / receiver would be the occupation at the
time of the injury/incident.


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