Instructions For Form 5310-A (May 1991) Notice Of Merger, Consolidation, Or Transfer Of Plan Assets Or Liabilities Page 2


C. Signature
of the assets of the larger plan. As a
Penalties.—If you are filing Form
result of the second merger, Form
5310-A to report a plan merger,
In general, the plan administrator must
5310-A must be filed and both mergers
consolidation, or transfer of plan assets
sign both copies of the form. For single
must be reported.
or liabilities there is a penalty for late
employer plans the plan administrator
filing. The penalty is $25 a day for each
b. The provisions of the larger plan
and the employer are generally the same
day the Form 5310-A is late (up to a
that allocate assets upon termination
person. When the plan administrator is a
maximum of $15,000). The form is late if
must provide that in the event of a
joint employer— union board or
it is not filed at least 30 days before the
spinoff or termination of the plan within
committee, at least one employer
plan merger, consolidation, or transfer of
5 years following the merger, plan assets
representative and one union
plan assets or liabilities.
will be allocated first for the benefits of
representative must sign. A Form
the participants in the other plan(s) to
5310-A filed with IRS by a representative
B. Where To File
the extent of the present value of their
on behalf of an employer or plan
benefits as of the date of the merger.
administrator must be accompanied by:
File this form as follows:
4. There is a spinoff of a defined
(i) Single Employer Plans.—Send the
(1) a power of attorney specifically
benefit plan into another defined
forms to the District Director, EP/EO
authorizing such representation in this
benefit plan and both of the following
matter (you may use Form 2848, Power
Division, for the key district in which the
conditions are met:
employer’s principal place of business is
of Attorney and Declaration of
a. With respect to each resulting
Representative), or
spunoff plan, other than the spunoff plan
(ii) Plan Maintained by More Than One
(2) a written declaration that the
with the greatest value of plan assets
representative is a currently qualified
Employer.—Send the forms to the
after the spinoff, the value of the assets
District Director, EP/EO Division, for the
attorney, certified public accountant,
spun off is not less than the present
key district in which the principal place
enrolled actuary, or is currently enrolled
value of the benefits spun off (whether
of business of the plan sponsor or
to practice before the IRS (include either
or not vested).
the enrollment number or the expiration
administrator is located. This means the
b. The value of the assets spun off to
principal place of business of the
date of the enrollment card); and is
all the resulting spunoff plans (other than
authorized to represent the employer or
association, committee, joint board of
the spunoff plan with the greatest value
plan administrator.
trustees, or other similar group of
of plan assets after the spinoff) plus
representatives of those who established
other assets previously spun off during
or maintain the plan.
Specific Instructions
the plan year in which the spinoff occurs
If entity is in this
Send the notice to this
is less than 3 percent of the assets of
IRS District
The following instructions are keyed to
the plan before the spinoff as of at least
the line items on the form.
one day in that plan’s plan year. Spinoffs
Albany, Augusta, Boston,
Internal Revenue Service
1a. Enter the name and address of the
occurring in previous or subsequent plan
Brooklyn, Buffalo,
EP/EO Division
plan sponsor. If the Post Office does not
Burlington, Hartford,
P.O. Box 1680, GPO
years are taken into account in
deliver mail to the street address and
Manhattan, Portsmouth,
Brooklyn, NY 11202
determining that the percentage of
the sponsor has a P. O. box number,
assets spun off if such spinoffs are, in
show the P. O. box number instead of
Baltimore, District of
Internal Revenue Service
substance, one transaction along with
the street address. If the plan covers
Columbia, Newark,
EP/EO Division
the spinoff occurring during the current
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,
P.O. Box 17288
only the employees of one employer,
plan year. Aggregating spinoffs may
Richmond, Wilmington,
Baltimore, MD 21203
enter the employer’s name.
cause a spinoff for which a Form 5310-A
any U.S. possession or
“Plan Sponsor” means:
foreign country
was not initially required to be filed to
(1) in the case of a plan that covers
become reportable as a result of a
Cincinnati, Cleveland,
Internal Revenue Service
the employees of one employer, the
Detroit, Indianapolis,
EP/EO Division,
subsequent spinoff. In this case, the
Louisville, Parkersburg
P. O. Box 3159,
spinoff(s) must be reported on the Form
Cincinnati, OH 45201
5310-A filed with respect to the
(2) in the case of a plan sponsored by
Albuquerque, Austin,
Internal Revenue Service
subsequent spinoff. For example,
two or more entities required to be
Cheyenne, Dallas,
EP/EO Division
assume that a spinoff involving less than
aggregated under section 414(b), (c), or
Denver, Houston,
Mail Code 4950 DAL
3% of the assets of the plan occurs in
(m), one of the members participating in
Oklahoma City, Phoenix,
1100 Commerce Street
the first month of the plan year. In the
Salt Lake City, Wichita
Dallas, TX 75242
the plan; or
fourth month of the plan year a second
Atlanta, Birmingham,
Internal Revenue Service
(3) in the case of a plan that covers
spinoff occurs involving liabilities equal
Columbia, Ft.
EP/EO Division
the employees and/or partner(s) of a
to 2% of the assets of the plan. The
Lauderdale, Greensboro,
P.O. Box 941
partnership, the partnership.
Jackson, Jacksonville,
Atlanta, GA 30370
total of both spinoffs exceeds 3% of the
The plan sponsor should be the same
Little Rock, Nashville,
assets of the plan. As a result of the
New Orleans
name used (or that will be used) when
second spinoff, Form 5310-A must be
the Form 5500 series return/reports are
Anchorage, Boise,
Internal Revenue Service
filed and both spinoffs must be reported.
Honolulu, Laguna Niguel,
EP Application Receiving
filed for the plan.
A transfer of assets or liabilities is
Las Vegas, Los Angeles,
Room 5127
1b. Enter the 9-digit employer
Portland, Sacramento,
P.O. Box 536
considered to be a combination of
identification number (EIN) assigned to
San Francisco, San Jose,
Los Angeles, CA
separate mergers and spinoffs, and,
the plan sponsor. This should be the
unless the parts of the transaction that
same EIN that was used (or will be used)
Aberdeen, Chicago, Des
Internal Revenue Service
are deemed to be a spinoff or merger
Moines, Fargo, Helena,
EP/EO Division 230 S.
when the Form 5500 series
conform to one of the situations
Milwaukee, Omaha, St.
Dearborn DPN 20-6
returns/reports are filed for the plan.
described above, the employer or plan
Louis, St. Paul,
Chicago, IL 60604
(Please do not use a social security
administrator must file the Form 5310-A.
number.) An EIN may be secured by
Note: When assets or liabilities are
using Form SS-4, Application for
transferred from one plan to another, a
Employer Identification Number, which
For m 5310-A should be filed for each
may be obtained by calling
No IRS letter will be issued when a
The plan of a group of entities
Form 5310-A is filed.
required to be aggregated under section
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