Line Instructions For Form It-201-Att, Other Tax Credits And Taxes


Instructions for Form IT-201-ATT
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Line instructions for Form IT-201-ATT, Other Tax Credits and Taxes
Purpose of Form IT-201-ATT
The Other credits and taxes chart on pages 111 and 112 lists
other credits you may claim and other taxes you may have to
You must complete Form IT-201-ATT and attach it to your
pay, along with credit code numbers, where applicable, and
Form IT-201 if:
the line reference for Form IT-201-ATT.
• you are claiming other New York State, New York City, or
Find the credits and taxes that apply to you. Complete
Yonkers credits listed in the chart on pages 111 and 112
the additional credit forms as indicated. Enter the money
(credits that are not computed directly on Form IT-201); or
amounts on the appropriate lines and the code numbers,
where applicable (see example below). You must attach
• you are subject to other New York State or New York City
all applicable credit forms and tax computations to
Form IT-201.
See specific line instructions for lines 1, 9, and 22, and the
Enter your name and social security number as it is listed on
special instructions for Section B, below and on page 110.
your Form IT-201. If you are filing a joint return, enter both
names and use the social security number of the taxpayer
listed first on your Form IT-201.
Where applicable, you must enter a 3-digit code
number for each credit claimed and attach the
credit form(s) to your Form IT-201-ATT.
Be sure to add all amounts for lines 12a
through 12l and enter the total other
refundable credits on line 12 (entries
Line 1
shown are examples only).
If you receive an accumulation distribution as a beneficiary of
a trust, you may be allowed a credit for New York State income
taxes paid by the trust. Attach a copy of the computation of your
New York State accumulation distribution credit provided to you
by the trust and enter the amount of the credit on line 1.
Section B
If you are claiming more than one nonrefundable carryover
This section lists credits that reduce your tax but are not
credit, you must complete the Application of credit and
refundable. If the amount of the credit exceeds your tax, you
computation of carryover section on each individual credit
may carry the excess over to a future year (or years). If you
form to indicate the amount of each credit you choose
are claiming an original credit or a carryover of a credit,
to apply to your 2006 tax and the amount of each credit
be sure to complete the appropriate credit form and
available for carryover to 2007. Failure to complete the
attach it to your Form IT-201.
Application of credit and computation of carryover
section on the credit form(s) may cause a delay in
If the amount of the credits reported in Section B exceeds
processing your return.
the sum of the taxes shown on line 39 of Form IT-201
and line 21 of Form IT-201-ATT, reduced by the credits
For information on credits and carryovers, see
reported on lines 40 and 41 of Form IT-201, and line 2 of
Publication 99-IND, General Information on New York State
Form IT-201-ATT, you may have a credit carryover to 2007.
and New York City Income Tax Credits for Individuals, and
If you have an excess credit and you are claiming more than
Publication 99-B, General Information on New York State and
one credit in Section B, you may apply the credits against
New York City Income Tax Credits for Businesses.
the amount determined above in any manner you wish in
order to determine the excess. However, it will be to your
advantage to apply carryover credits with limited carryover
periods first.


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