Chiropractic Intake Form - Essential Health Chiropractic Page 2


Women Only: General Questions
Are you nursing? Y N
Are you taking birth control? Y N
Have you had painful or irregular menstrual cycles? Y N
Are you pregnant? Y N How many weeks? ___________ Any current complications: ___________________________
How many ultrasounds have you had? ___________ Have you had any round ligament pain: Right Side Left Side Both
Who is your OB/Midwife: _____________________________________ What is your estimated due date:____________
Women Only: Past History
Any complications during past pregnancy? Y N Explain: __________________________________________________
Medications taken during pregnancy: _________________________ Cigarettes or alcohol during pregnancy: Y
Complications during delivery? Y N Explain: ____________________________________________________________
Genetic disorders or disabilities:________________________________________________________________________
Review of Systems
Please check if you have had any of the following:
⃝Back Pain
⃝Breast Lump
⃝Bruise Easily
⃝Chest Pain
⃝Cold Extremities
⃝Digestion Problems
⃝Eating Disorder
⃝Excessive Menstruation ⃝Eye Pain/Difficulties
⃝Frequent Urination
⃝High Blood Pressure
⃝Hot Flashes
⃝Irregular Heart Beat
⃝Irregular Menses
⃝Kidney Infection
⃝Kidney Stones
⃝Loss of Memory
⃝Loss of Balance
⃝Loss of Smell
⃝Loss of Taste
⃝Poor Posture
⃝Prostate Trouble
⃝Shortness of Breath
⃝Sinus Infection
⃝Sleep Problems/Insomnia ⃝Spinal Curvatures
⃝Swelling of Ankles
⃝Swollen Joints
⃝Thyroid Condition
⃝Varicose Veins
⃝Venereal Disease
Personal Incident History:
Surgeries: ________________________________________ Illnesses: _________________________________________
Traumas (falls, sprain/strains, broken bones, car accidents):__________________________________________________
Did you seek treatment for this trauma? Y N Where:_____________________________________________________
Authorization for Treatment
I certify that I'm the patient or legal guardian listed above. I have read/understand the included information and certify
it to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I consent to the collection and use of the above information to
this office of chiropractic. I authorize this office and its staff to examine and treat my condition as the doctors see fit. I
hereby authorize the doctor to release all information necessary to any insurance company, attorney, or adjuster for the
purpose of claim reimbursement of charges incurred by me. I grant the use of my signed statement of authorization with
my signature for required insurance submissions. I understand and agree that all services rendered to me will be
charged to me, and I'm responsible for timely payment of such services. I understand and agree that health/accident
insurance policies are an arrangement between an insurance carrier and myself. I understand that fees for professional
services will become immediately due upon suspension or termination of my care or treatment.
Patient: ________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________
Print Name
Patient/Legal Guardian


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