History Homework


Name________________________ Due Tuesday, April 9th
Read Chapter 15, Section 2 pages 490 to 497
Answer questions # 1,3 - 6 on page 497
1. Explain the importance of:
Republican Party- political party formed in 1854 by opponents
of slavery
John C. Fremont- Republican presidential candidate in 1856.
James Buchanan- Democratic presidential candidate in 1856.
Dred Scott v. Sandford- 1856 Supreme Court case in which a
slave, Dred Scott, sued for his freedom; the court ruled against
Roger B. Taney- Supreme Court chief justice who wrote the
majority opinion in the Dred Scott case.
Abraham Lincoln- Illinois Republican who ran against Stephen
A. Douglas in the Illinois Senate race in 1858.
Harpers Ferry- Federal arsenal in Virginia; captured in 1859
during an antislavery revolt.
3. Why was the Republican Party created?
It was created to represent the antislavery interests of the North.


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