Bso Reimbursement Form


Broomfield Symphony Orchestra
Reimbursement Form for Expenses
(A donation is not occurring. A budgeted expense is being covered by someone,
and that person needs to be reimbursed.)
Date: ____ / ____ / ____
Name: ______________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
City: ____________________ St: ________Zip: ___________
Amount of Reimbursement: $_______________
Purpose of Reimbursement (Please circle one – if multiple categories apply,
provide a breakdown):
• Copies
• Library Supplies
• Administrative Supplies
• Food
• Marketing & Promotion
• Substitute Players, Musicians, Guest Artists
• Other (Please describe):
***You must attach a copy of a receipt or paid invoice to receive
Generally, reimbursements will be provided within 1 week of submitting a request
(typically at the next rehearsal, or group meeting); however, certain matters
requiring Board Approval may take longer.
Please contact David Oliver, assistant treasurer should you have any questions.


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