Instructions For Form 6251 - 2016 Page 8


If you had a loss on property for
amortized for the AMT, your AMT
under section 263(c), but don’t include
which circulation costs have not been
deduction is the smaller of (a) the loss
any section 263(c) deduction for
fully amortized for the AMT, your AMT
allowable for the costs had they
nonproductive wells.
deduction is the smaller of (a) the loss
remained capitalized or (b) the
Step 2. Subtract from the amount
allowable for the costs had they
remaining costs to be amortized for the
determined in step 1 the amount that
remained capitalized or (b) the
would have been allowed had you
remaining costs to be amortized for the
Line 24—Research and
amortized these IDCs over a 120-month
period starting with the month the well
Experimental Costs
Line 22—Long-Term Contracts
was placed in production. If you prefer
Don’t make this adjustment for
not to use the 120-month period, you
To avoid duplication, any AMT
costs paid or incurred in
can elect to use any method that is
adjustment or tax preference
connection with an activity in
permissible in determining cost
item taken into account on this
which you materially participated under
line shouldn’t be taken into account in
the passive activity rules or for costs for
Net income. Determine net income by
figuring the amount to enter on any
which you elected the optional 10-year
reducing the gross income that you
other adjustment or tax preference item
write-off for the regular tax.
received or accrued during the tax year
line of this form.
Research and experimental costs
from all oil, gas, and geothermal wells
For the AMT, you generally must use
deducted in full for the regular tax in the
by the deductions allocable to those
the percentage-of-completion method
tax year they were paid or incurred must
wells (reduced by the excess IDCs).
described in section 460(b) to
be capitalized and amortized over 10
When refiguring net income, use only
determine your income from any
years for the AMT. Enter the difference
income and deductions allowed for the
long-term contract (defined in section
between the regular tax and AMT
460(f)). However, this rule doesn’t apply
deduction. If the AMT deduction is more
Exception. The preference for IDCs
to any home construction contract (as
than the regular tax deduction, enter the
from oil and gas wells doesn’t apply to
defined in section 460(e)(6)). For
difference as a negative amount.
taxpayers who are independent
contracts excepted from the
producers (that is, not integrated oil
percentage-of-completion method for
If you had a loss on property for
companies as defined in section 291(b)
the regular tax by section 460(e)(1), use
which research and experimental costs
(4)). However, this benefit may be
the simplified procedures for allocating
haven’t been fully amortized for the
limited. First, figure the IDC preference
costs outlined in section 460(b)(3) to
AMT, your AMT deduction is the smaller
as if this exception didn’t apply. Then,
determine the percentage of
of (a) the loss allowable for the costs
for purposes of this exception, complete
had they remained capitalized or (b) the
Form 6251 through line 27, including the
remaining costs to be amortized for the
Enter the difference between the
IDC preference and treating line 11 as if
AMT and regular tax income. If the AMT
it were zero, and combine lines 1
Line 25—Installment Sales
income is smaller, enter the difference
through 27. If the amount of the IDC
as a negative amount.
preference exceeds 40% of the total of
The installment method doesn’t apply
lines 1 through 27 (figured as described
for the AMT to any nondealer
Note. If you are required to use the
in the preceding sentence), enter the
disposition of property after August 16,
percentage-of-completion method for
excess on line 26 (your benefit from this
1986, but before January 1, 1987, if an
either the regular tax or the AMT, you
exception is limited). Otherwise, don’t
installment obligation to which the
may owe or be entitled to a refund of
enter an amount on line 26 (your benefit
proportionate disallowance rule applied
interest for the tax year the contract is
from this exception isn’t limited).
arose from the disposition. Enter the
completed or adjusted. For details, see
amount of installment sale income
Line 27—Other Adjustments
Form 8697, Interest Computation Under
reported for the regular tax as a
the Look-Back Method for Completed
Enter on line 27 the total of any other
negative amount on line 25.
Long-Term Contracts.
adjustments that apply to you, including
Line 26—Intangible Drilling
the following.
Line 23—Mining Costs
Costs (IDCs)
Don’t make this adjustment for
Depreciation Figured Using
Don’t make this adjustment for
costs for which you elected the
Pre-1987 Rules
costs for which you elected the
optional 10-year write-off for the
optional 60-month write-off for
This preference generally applies only
regular tax.
the regular tax.
to property placed in service after 1987,
Mining exploration and development
but depreciated using pre-1987 rules
IDCs from oil, gas, and geothermal
costs deducted in full for the regular tax
due to transitional provisions of the Tax
wells are a preference to the extent that
in the tax year they were paid or
Reform Act of 1986.
the excess IDCs are more than 65% of
incurred must be capitalized and
the net income from the wells. Figure
For the AMT, you must use the
amortized over 10 years for the AMT.
the preference for all oil and gas
straight line method to figure
Enter the difference between the regular
properties separately from the
depreciation on real property for which
tax and AMT deduction. If the AMT
preference for all geothermal properties.
accelerated depreciation was
deduction is more than the regular tax
determined using pre-1987 rules. Use a
deduction, enter the difference as a
Excess IDCs. Figure excess IDCs as
recovery period of 19 years for 19-year
negative amount.
real property and 15 years for
Step 1. Determine the amount of
If you had a loss on property for
low-income housing. For leased
your IDCs allowed for the regular tax
which mining costs haven’t been fully
Instructions for Form 6251 (2017)


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