Instructions For Form 6251 - 2016 Page 2


AMT. Also keep records of any items
For information on making the
Form 1040NR. If you are filing Form
that you used to figure the AMT that
election, see section 59(e) and
1040NR, enter the amount of all taxes
differ from what you used to figure the
Regulations section 1.59-1. Also see
from Schedule A (Form 1040NR), line 1,
regular tax. For example, you will need
Pub. 535, Business Expenses.
except any generation-skipping transfer
to separately figure and track certain
taxes on income distributions.
Specific Instructions
carrybacks, carryforwards, basis
Line 4—Home Mortgage
amounts, depreciation, and loss
Interest Adjustment
limitation amounts that differ between
If you owe AMT, you may be
the AMT and the regular tax.
able to lower your total tax
Complete the
Home Mortgage Interest
(regular tax plus AMT) by
Adjustment Worksheet
to figure the
If you refigure an item for AMT by
claiming itemized deductions on Form
amount to enter on this line. The
completing an AMT version of a form or
1040, even if your total itemized
definitions of certain terms used in the
worksheet, keep a copy of that AMT
deductions are less than the standard
worksheet are as follows.
form or worksheet for your records.
deduction. This is because the standard
Eligible mortgage. An eligible
deduction isn’t allowed for the AMT and,
Partners and Shareholders
mortgage is a mortgage whose
if you claim the standard deduction on
If you are a partner in a partnership or a
proceeds were used to buy, build, or
Form 1040, you can’t claim itemized
shareholder in an S corporation, see
substantially improve your main home
deductions for the AMT.
Schedule K-1 and its instructions to
or a second home that is a qualified
figure your adjustments or preferences
dwelling. A mortgage whose proceeds
Part I—Alternative
from the partnership or S corporation to
were used to refinance another
Minimum Taxable Income
include on Form 6251.
mortgage isn’t an eligible mortgage.
Qualified dwelling. A qualified
Nonresident Aliens
dwelling is any house, apartment,
To avoid duplication, any
If you are a nonresident alien and you
condominium, or mobile home not used
adjustment or preference for
disposed of U.S. real property interests
on a transient basis.
line 5, 19, or 20 or for a tax
at a gain, you must make a special
Family. Family includes only your
shelter farm activity on line 27 must not
computation. Fill in Form 6251 through
brothers and sisters (whether by whole
be taken into account in figuring the
line 30. If your net gain from the
or half blood), your spouse, your
amount to enter for any other
disposition of U.S. real property
adjustment or preference.
ancestors, and your lineal descendants.
interests and the amount on line 28 are
both greater than the tentative amount
Example. In 2017, Dave and
Line 1
you figured for line 30, replace the
Jennifer paid $10,000 in interest on a
amount on line 30 with the smaller of
If Form 1040, line 43, includes a write-in
mortgage they took out to buy their
that net gain or the amount on line 28.
amount (such as a capital construction
home (an eligible mortgage). In May
Also, enter “RPI” on the dotted line next
fund deduction for commercial
2017, they refinanced that mortgage
to line 30. Otherwise, don’t change
fishermen), adjust line 1 by the write-in
and paid $9,000 in interest through the
line 30.
rest of the year. The balance of the new
mortgage is the same as the balance of
Net qualified disaster loss. If you
Credit for Prior Year
the old mortgage. In July 2017, they
filed Schedule A just to claim an
Minimum Tax
obtained a home equity loan on their
increased standard deduction on Form
home and used the proceeds to buy a
1040 due to a loss you suffered related
See Form 8801, Credit for Prior Year
new car. They paid $5,000 in interest on
to property in a Presidentially declared
Minimum Tax—Individuals, Estates, and
the home equity loan in 2017. They
disaster area, then enter the amount
Trusts, if you paid AMT for 2016 or you
enter the following amounts on the
from Form 1040, line 41, even though it
had a minimum tax credit carryforward
Home Mortgage Interest Adjustment
has been reduced by the standard
on your 2016 Form 8801. If you pay
Worksheet: $24,000 on line 1 ($10,000
deduction, and go to line 7. You will
AMT for 2017, you may be able to take
plus $9,000 plus $5,000), $10,000 on
include the amount of the standard
a credit on Form 8801 for 2018.
line 2, $9,000 on line 3, -0- on line 4,
deduction (before it was increased by
$19,000 on line 5 ($10,000 plus
Optional Write-Off for
any net qualified disaster loss) on
$9,000), and $5,000 on line 6 ($24,000
line 27.
Certain Expenditures
minus $19,000).
Form 1040NR. If you are filing Form
There is no AMT adjustment for the
Line 5—Miscellaneous
1040NR, enter the amount from Form
following items if you elect for the
1040NR, line 39. If less than zero, enter
regular tax to deduct them ratably over
as a negative amount.
the period of time shown.
If you are filing Form 1040NR, enter the
Circulation expenditures—3 years
amount from Schedule A (Form
Line 2
(section 173).
1040NR), line 13.
Line 2 is reserved for future use.
Research and experimental
Line 6—Overall Limit on
expenditures—10 years (section
Line 3—Taxes
Itemized Deductions
Enter the amount of all taxes from
Mining exploration and development
If Form 1040, line 38, is over $261,500
Schedule A (Form 1040), line 9, except
costs—10 years (sections 616(a) and
($287,650 if head of household;
any generation-skipping transfer taxes
$313,800 if married filing jointly or
on income distributions.
Intangible drilling costs—60 months
qualifying widow(er); or $156,900 if
(section 263(c)).
married filing separately), enter the
Instructions for Form 6251 (2017)


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