Instructions For Form 6251 - 2016 Page 14


6251, line 34 (see preceding
steps. If (3) applies, but (1) does not,
Keep the AMT Form 8949, AMT
complete steps 2 through 4 only.
Schedule D, and the applicable
AMT worksheet for your
Line 35
Step 1. Complete an AMT Form
records, but don’t attach any of them to
8949 or, if applicable, lines 1a and 8a of
If you are filing Form 1040NR, enter the
your tax return.
an AMT Schedule D, by refiguring, for
amount from line 35 on Form 1040NR,
example, your basis for the AMT.
line 43.
Note. Don’t decrease your section
Step 2. Complete lines 1b through
1202 exclusion by the amount, if any, on
Part III—Tax Computation
20 of an AMT Schedule D.
line 13.
Using Maximum Capital
Step 3. Complete lines 2 through 6
Forms 2555 and 2555-EZ. If you are
Gains Rates
of an AMT Qualified Dividends and
filing either of these forms and you have
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet or lines 2
an AMT capital gain excess, you must
Lines 37, 38, and 39
through 13 of an AMT Schedule D
complete Part III of Form 6251 with
Determine if any of the following
Worksheet, whichever applies. (See
certain modifications. To see if you have
statements apply.
line 20 of your AMT Schedule D, if you
an AMT capital gain excess, subtract
completed one, to determine which
1. The gain or loss from any
Form 6251, line 30, from line 6 of your
worksheet applies.)
transaction reported on Form 8949 or
AMT Qualified Dividends and Capital
Schedule D is different for the AMT (for
Gain Tax Worksheet or line 10 of your
Complete line 5 of the AMT Qualified
example, because of a different basis
AMT Schedule D Tax Worksheet,
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
for the AMT due to depreciation
whichever applies. If the result is greater
Worksheet or lines 3 and 4 of the AMT
adjustments, an incentive stock option
than zero, that amount is your AMT
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, whichever
adjustment, or a different AMT capital
capital gain excess.
applies, using your AMT Form 4952.
loss carryover from 2016).
If you have AMT capital gain excess,
Step 4. Use amounts from the AMT
2. You didn’t complete either the
figure the amounts to enter on lines 37,
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
38, and 39 of Form 6251 using the
Tax Worksheet or AMT Schedule D
Tax Worksheet or the Schedule D Tax
following modifications (only for
Worksheet, whichever applies, and the
Worksheet because Form 1040, line 43
purposes of Part III of Form 6251).
AMT Schedule D to complete lines 37,
(or Form 1040NR, line 41), is zero.
1. Reduce the amount you would
38, and 39.
3. You received a Schedule K-1
otherwise enter on line 3 of your AMT
If you filed Form 2555 or Form
(Form 1041) that shows an amount in
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
2555-EZ, see
Forms 2555 and
box 12 with code B, C, D, E, or F.
Tax Worksheet or line 9 of your AMT
2555-EZ, later, for additional
Schedule D Tax Worksheet (but not
modifications you may have to make
Then, use the following instructions
below zero) by your AMT capital gain
before entering amounts on lines 37, 38,
that apply to you.
and 39.
If none of the statements apply, go to
2. Reduce the amount you would
None of the statements
apply, later.
Only statement (2) applies. If (2)
otherwise enter on line 2 of your AMT
If only statement (2) applies, go to
applies, but (1) and (3) do not, complete
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
Only statement (2)
applies, later.
the following steps.
Tax Worksheet or line 6 of your AMT
If statement (3) applies (by itself or in
Schedule D Tax Worksheet (but not
combination with statements (1) or (2)),
Step 1. Complete lines 2 through 6
below zero) by any of your AMT capital
go to
Beneficiaries of estates or trusts
of an AMT Qualified Dividends and
gain excess not used in (1).
first, then go to
Statement (1) or (3)
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet or lines 2
applies, later.
through 13 of an AMT Schedule D
3. Reduce the amount on your AMT
For all other situations, go to
Worksheet, whichever applies. (See
Schedule D (Form 1040), line 18, (but
Statement (1) or (3)
applies, later.
line 20 of your Schedule D to determine
not below zero) by your AMT capital
which worksheet applies.)
gain excess.
None of the statements apply. If (1),
Complete line 5 of the AMT Qualified
4. Include your AMT capital gain
(2), or (3) do not apply, then for Part III
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
excess as a loss on line 16 of your AMT
of these instructions, the AMT versions
Worksheet or lines 3 and 4 of the AMT
Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain
of your Qualified Dividends and Capital
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, whichever
Worksheet in the Instructions for
Gain Tax Worksheet, Schedule D
applies, using your AMT Form 4952.
Schedule D (Form 1040).
Worksheet, Unrecaptured Section 1250
Gain Worksheet, 28% Rate Gain
Step 2. Use amounts from the AMT
Also see the instructions for line 44.
Worksheet, and Schedule D will be the
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain
Beneficiaries of estates or trusts. If
same as those you used for regular tax
Tax Worksheet or AMT Schedule D
you received a Schedule K-1 (Form
purposes. Use the regular tax amounts
Worksheet, whichever applies, and the
1041) that shows an adjustment in
to complete lines 37, 38, and 39.
Schedule D you used for regular tax to
box 12, follow the instructions in the
If you filed Form 2555 or Form
complete lines 37, 38, and 39.
following table.
2555-EZ, see
Forms 2555 and
If you filed Form 2555 or Form
2555-EZ, later, for additional
2555-EZ, see
Forms 2555 and
modifications you may have to make
2555-EZ, later, for additional
before entering amounts on lines 37, 38,
modifications you may have to make
and 39.
before entering amounts on lines 37, 38,
and 39.
Statement (1) or (3) applies. If (1)
applies, complete all of the following
Instructions for Form 6251 (2017)


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