Letter Of Recommendation - Teacher Page 2


4. Think about the class you took with this teacher. What makes you distinct and sets you apart from the
other students in the class that this teacher might want to emphasize in your letter?
5. What was your favorite part of this class? Was your performance in this class an accurate reflection of
your ability?
6. What was the most challenging part of this class and how did you respond? How will those
characteristics help you be successful as a college student?
7. What major(s) would you like to pursue in college?
Did you complete a project or write a paper for this specific class that this teacher might remember? If so, what
was it about? (If you still have a copy, please attach it)
Is there additional information you feel the teacher should include in their letter?
If you are using the Common Application, please be sure to waive your right to see your recommendation in the
FERPA section of the application. If you aren’t using the Common App, please sign here to waive your right to
see your letter of recommendation.
Signature: ______________________________________________Date___/___/___


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