Massage Intake Form - Providence Apothecary Page 2


Massage   I ntake   F orm   –   P age   2   -­‐   C ONFIDENTIAL   I NFORMATION  
Do   y ou   h ave   a ny   o f   t he   f ollowing   t oday:  
_____skin   r ash    
_____open   c uts  
_____severe   p ain  
_____anything   c ontagious    
Do   y ou   h ave   a ny   a llergies   t o:  
_____medications     _____foods   ( nuts,   e tc.)         _ ____environmental   a llergens   ( dust,   p ollen,   f ragrances)  
_____reactions   t o   s kin   c are   p roducts  
If   a ny   o f   t he   a bove   a re   c hecked,   p lease   g ive   d etails:   _ ___________________________________________________  
Are   y ou   w earing:         _ ____contact   l enses     _____hearing   a id           _ ____hairpiece  
Please   i ndicate   w ith   a n   ( X),   i f   a ny,   t he   a reas   i n   w hich   y ou   a re   f eeling   d iscomfort:  
What   a re   y our   g oals/expectations   f or   t his   t herapy   s ession?   _ _________________________________________  
The   f ollowing   s ometimes   o ccurs   d uring   m assage.   T hey   a re   n ormal   r esponses   t o   r elaxation.   T rust  
your   b ody   t o   e xpress   w hat   i t   n eeds   t o:   Ÿ need   t o   m ove   o r   c hange   p osition  
Ÿsighing,   y awning,  
change   i n   b reathing    
Ÿstomach   g urgling    
Ÿemotional   f eelings   a nd/or   e xpression  
Ÿmovement   o f   i ntestinal   g as  
Ÿenergy   s hifts    
Ÿfalling   a sleep  
Please   r ead   t he   f ollowing   i nformation   a nd   s ign   b elow:  
1.   I   u nderstand   t hat   a lthough   m assage   t herapy   c an   b e   v ery   t herapeutic,   r elaxing   a nd  
reduce   m uscular   t ension,   i t   i s   n ot   a   s ubstitute   f or   m edical   e xamination,   d iagnosis  
and   t reatment.  
2.   T his   i s   a   t herapeutic   m assage   a nd   a ny   s exual   r emarks   o r   a dvances   w ill   t erminate   t he  
session   a nd   I   w ill   b e   l iable   f or   p ayment   o f   t he   s cheduled   t reatment.  
3.   B eing   t hat   m assage   s hould   n ot   b e   d one   u nder   c ertain   m edical   c onditions,   I   a ffirm   t hat  
I   h ave   a nswered   a ll   q uestions   p ertaining   t o   m edical   c onditions   t ruthfully.  
4.   I   a m   a ware   t hat   a ppointment   c ancellations   n eed   t o   b e   m ade   p rior   t o   2 4   h ours   b efore   t he    
appointment   s tart   t ime.     F ailure   t o   c ancel   w ithin   t he   2 4   h our   p eriod   c an   r esult   i n  
late-­‐cancellation   f ees.  
Signature:   _ ____________________________________________    
Date   _ ____/_____/__________  


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