Massage Intake Form - Providence Apothecary


Massage   I ntake   F orm   -­‐   C ONFIDENTIAL   I NFORMATION  
WELCOME!   W e   w ould   l ike   t o   m ake   y our   a ppointment   a s   p leasant   a nd   c omfortable   a s  
possible.   I f,   a t   a ny   t ime,   y ou   h ave   q uestions   r egarding   y our   s ession,   p lease   l et   u s   k now.  
Name   _ _____________________________________________________________           D ate   o f   b irth   _ ____/_____/__________  
Address____________________________________     C ity   _ _________________________     S tate   _ _______     Z ip   _ __________  
Home   P hone   ( _____)-­‐_________________               W ork   P hone     ( _____)-­‐_________________    
E-­‐mail   a ddress   _ _________________________________________             N ewsletter   s ignup?   ( circle   o ne):     Y es       N o  
How   d id   y ou   h ear   a bout   u s?   _ ____________________________________________  
Occupation   _ ______________________________________  
Have   y ou   e ver   r eceived   m assage   t herapy?   ( circle   o ne):     Y es       N o  
Are   y ou   c urrently   t aking   a ny   m edications?   ( circle   o ne):     Y es       N o  
If   y es,   p lease   l ist   n ame   a nd   r eason   f or   m edications:   _ ___________________________________________________  
Are   y ou   c urrently   s eeing   a   h ealthcare   p rofessional?   ( circle   o ne):       Y es       N o  
If   y es,   p lease   l ist   n ames   a nd   r eason/treatment:   _ _______________________________________________________  
Please   r eview   t his   l ist   a nd   c heck   t hose   c onditions   t hat   h ave   a ffected   y our   h ealth   e ither   c urrently  
or   i n   t he   p ast.   P lace   a   c heck   m ark   n ext   t o   t he   c ondition.  
_____   d epression,   p anic   d isorder   c ondition  
_____blood   c lots  
_____   d iverticulitis  
_____broken/dislocated   b ones  
_____   h eadaches  
_____bruise   e asily    
_____   h eart   c onditions  
_____   b ack   p roblems  
_____chronic   p ain    
_____   h igh   b lood   p ressure  
_____   i nsomnia  
_____auto-­‐immune   c ondition*  
_____   m uscle   s train/sprain  
_____hepatitis   ( A,   B ,   C ,   o ther)  
_____   p regnancy  
_____skin   c onditions  
_____   s coliosis  
_____   s eizures  
_____   w hiplash  
_____TMJ   d isorder    
_____   c hemical   d ependency   ( alcohol,   d rugs)  
(*AIDS,   f ibromyalgia,   c hronic   f atigue,   l upus,   e tc.)  
If   a ny   o f   t he   a bove   n eeds   t o   b e   d etailed   o r   i f   t here   i s   a nything   e lse   t o   s hare,   p lease   d o   s o:  


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