2009 Camp Financial Assistance Form - Camp Like A Girl Page 2


1. Please explain in detail why this Girl Scout needs financial assistance for summer program:
2. Please describe any special circumstances that will aid the committee in making a decision
regarding your application:
3. Are you applying for financial assistance for another child? O Yes O No
4. Has this camper attended Girl Scout summer program before? O Yes O No
If yes, number of years:
5. Has this camper received financial assistance for summer camp before? O Yes O No
6. Will this camper be attending any other summer program (with Girl Scouts or another
organization) this year? O Yes O No
7. Did or will this camper participate in the 2014-2015 Cookie Sale? O Yes O No
If yes, did she/will she earn Cookie Dough as an incentive? O Yes, amount $___________ O No
8. Did this camper participate in the 2014-2015 Fall Sale? O Yes O No
9. Why do you want to participate in this program this summer? (to be completed by camper)
Every effort will be made to grant a portion of all financial assistance requests, depending on the funding
available. However, in the event that the financial assistance is not granted, the camp deposit is non-
I have read and understand the above Girl Financial Assistance Guidelines and I understand
financial assistance is available for individual girls who may otherwise not be able to participate
and is not an income source for the troop.
Signature of Parent/Guardian


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