Application Verification Form - Sc Pltw


Application Verification Form
To be eligible to enroll in courses through the Project lead the Way (PLTW) “Special Student
Application for Undergraduate Credit Non-Degree Program” sponsored by the University of South
Carolina, College of Engineering and Computing a student’s academic background must indicate that
he or she will be successful in college-level courses. The University has established the following
requirements for admission.
A cumulative high-school average of “B” (3.0 on the South Carolina unified grading scale) or higher; OR
A College Board (SAT) math and verbal total score of 1100 or higher, an American College Testing
Program (ACT) composite score of 24 or higher, or a College Board (PSAT) total score of 110 or higher.
To verify this student’s eligibility, please complete the form below and return it to the student’s Project
Lead The Way (PLTW) course teacher to be included with the student’s application for admission.
Please complete both GPA and test score sections below. Students must meet either the GPA OR test
score requirement to be eligible to enroll. (If the student has SAT or ACT scores, PSAT scores are not
Student’s full name _________________________________________________________________
Student’s Social Security Number
Student’s high school ________________________________________________________________
This student has a cumulative grade-point average of _______* on the South Carolina unified grading scale.
This average is computed by using the academic record beginning with grade ______ and ending with the
____ semester of grade ________.
* Project Lead the Way students: If a high school GPA is not available, please supply the final 8th grade GPA
This student has the following college-entrance examination score(s)
verbal score ___________
mathematics score __________
date taken ______________
verbal score ___________
mathematics score __________
date taken ______________
verbal score ___________
mathematics score __________
date taken ______________
English _______ mathematics _______ reading _______ science _______ composite _______
Date taken _______________
English _______ mathematics _______ reading _______ science _______ composite _______
Date taken _______________
Counselor’s signature _____________________________________________________ date ___________
Telephone number _________________________________________
(area code + telephone number)
Email address ___________________________________________________________________________


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