Pcb Investigation Results Letter - Ct State Department Of Construction Services, Bureau Of School Facilities


(Design Professional Letterhead)
State Department of Construction Services
Bureau of School Facilities
165 Capitol Avenue, Room 258
Hartford, CT 06106
PCB Investigation Results
Facility Name: ________________________________________
State Project No.: _____________________________________
I the undersigned, certify that I have made a reasonable investigation of the noted facility in
response to the requirements of CFR 40, Part 761. Based upon U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) recommendations where renovation or demolition are being performed, then a
determination should be made as to what PCB-containing material is present so that it can be
properly managed and disposed. When laboratory analysis of test samples was required, the work
was performed by an independent testing lab to avoid any perceived risk of a conflict of interest.
[check the box adjacent to the applicable statement]
Test results indicated PCB materials with concentrations in excess of 50 mg/Kg and these
contaminants have been incorporated into a PCB abatement plan that has been submitted
to the EPA for their review/approval. This PCB Abatement plan may also include materials
with PCB concentrations ≤ 50 mg/Kg which are being disposed of as PCB remediation
waste and/or PCB bulk product waste.
Test results (for items not included in number 1 above) indicated materials with PCB
concentrations in excess of 1 mg/Kg of PCBs, but not exceeding 50 mg/Kg. Where these
materials are impacted by the project scope we have developed a plan to remove and
dispose of them in conformance with all State DEP regulations (including but not limited to
C.G.S. Sections 22a-463 through 22a-469). A notification has been made to the State
Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Materials Management and
Compliance Assurance, Storage Tank and PCB Enforcement Unit.
After conducting a thorough investigation and subsequent testing of suspect PCB containing
building materials (if any) in the proposed project area(s), results have yielded no
concentration of PCBs in excess of 1 mg/Kg. As a result of these findings no PCB
Remediation Plan is required for this project. (copy of facility PCB survey, and if performed
testing results attached)
Environmental Professional or Design Professional
cc: Superintendent of Schools/District
Professional Seal here
G:SFUDOCPlan Review UnitPlan Review ProcessPCB Letter DCS.doc
Rev. 07/08/2011 (RS)


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