Instructions For Form 8082 Page 3


2. The pass-through entity has not
Lines 3 through 8. Generally, the
statement was not properly reported,
filed a tax return or given you a Schedule
information for these lines can be found
state how you think the item should be
K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign trust
on Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign
treated and why.
statement by the time you are required to
trust statement. Skip line 6 if no tax
2. If the pass-through entity has not
file your tax return (including extensions).
shelter registration number is reported on
filed a tax return by the time you are
Schedule K-1 or if you are filing as the
Check box (b) if you are filing an AAR
required to file your tax return, enter as
holder of a residual interest in a REMIC.
on which you are changing the amount
the explanation, “Partnership (S
The tax year of a REMIC (line 8) always
or treatment of any item from the way you
corporation, Estate, Trust, or REMIC)
ends on December 31.
reported it on your return, or in the case
return not filed.”
of a TMP, the pass-through entity return
3. If the pass-through entity did not
Part II
as originally filed or as you later amended
give you a Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or
Column (a). If you received a Schedule
foreign trust statement by the time you are
K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign trust
required to file your tax return, enter as
Check boxes (a) and (b) if you are
statement, enter the line number and
reporting an item on your AAR differently
the explanation “Schedule K-1 (Schedule
description shown on the form. Otherwise,
from the way that you reported the item
Q or foreign trust statement) not
enter a complete description of the item.
on your original return and inconsistently
with the way the pass-through entity
Column (b). If you believe that the
4. If you are filing an AAR on which
amount of any item shown on Schedule
reported the item.
you are changing the amount or treatment
K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign trust
Line 2. A substituted return is an
of any item on your original return, explain
statement was not properly reported,
amended return in which the TMP
why you are changing the item.
check “Amount of item.”
requests that the treatment of an item
5. If you believe an item was omitted
shown on the AAR be substituted for the
If you believe that the treatment of any
from Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or
treatment of the item on the pass-through
item was not properly reported (e.g., a
foreign trust statement, enter as the
entity's return. If the IRS allows
long-term capital loss that a partner thinks
explanation “Item was omitted from
should be an ordinary loss), check
substituted return treatment, the changes
Schedule K-1 (Schedule Q or foreign trust
“Treatment of item.”
shown on the amended return will be
treated as corrections of mathematical or
Check both parts of column (b) if either
clerical errors, and the IRS may credit or
1 or 2 below applies:
refund any overpayment of tax to the
1. You believe that both the amount
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We
partners, shareholders, or residual
and treatment of the item shown on
ask for the information on this form to
interest holders based on the amended
Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign
carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the
return or assess any resulting tax without
trust statement were not properly
United States. You are required to give
a deficiency or entity level proceeding.
reported, or you believe an item was
us the information. We need it to ensure
If the request is not treated as a
omitted from the form; or
that you are complying with these laws
substituted return, the IRS may credit or
2. The pass-through entity did not file
and to allow us to figure and collect the
refund any overpayment of tax to the
a return or give you a Schedule K-1,
right amount of tax.
partners, shareholders, or residual
Schedule Q, or foreign trust statement.
You are not required to provide the
interest holders per the request; conduct
information requested on a form that is
Note: If you check only “Treatment of
an examination of the pass-through
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
item,” you do not need to complete
entity's return; or take no action on the
unless the form displays a valid OMB
columns (d) and (e).
request. When a request is not treated as
control number. Books or records relating
Column (c). If you attach Form 8082 to
a substituted return, the IRS cannot
to a form or its instructions must be
your original return, enter the amount as
assess tax without a deficiency or entity
retained as long as their contents may
shown on the Schedule K-1, Schedule Q,
level proceeding.
become material in the administration of
or foreign trust statement you received.
In either case, if you are a TMP filing
any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
If you attach Form 8082 to your
an AAR, file an amended Form 1065,
returns and return information are
amended return, enter the amount as
Form 1120S, or Form 1066, but do not
confidential, as required by section 6103.
shown on your original return or as you
enter any amounts on the form itself.
The time needed to complete and file
last amended it prior to the current
Attach Form 8082, answer the question
this form will vary depending on individual
on line 2, and identify the amount and
circumstances. The estimated average
If the pass-through entity did not file a
treatment of any item you are changing
time is:
return, or if you did not receive a
from the way it was reported on the
Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign
original return. The TMP must sign the
Recordkeeping ......................... 4 hr., 18 min.
trust statement, or if you are reporting
amended return.
Learning about the law or the
items that you believe were omitted, enter
If you are requesting substituted return
form ...........................................
42 min.
zero in column (c).
treatment, enter in the top margin of the
Preparing and sending the
amended return “See attached Form 8082
form to the IRS ........................
48 min.
Part III
for AAR per IRC section 6227(c)(1).” If
If you have comments concerning the
Explain in detail the reasons you are
you are not requesting substituted return
accuracy of these time estimates or
reporting an inconsistent or amended item
treatment, enter “See attached Form 8082
suggestions for making this form simpler,
as follows:
for AAR per IRC section 6227(c)(2).”
we would be happy to hear from you. See
1. If you believe that the amount or
Attach amended Schedules K-1 or
the instructions for the tax return with
treatment of any item shown on Schedule
Schedules Q showing the corrected
which this form is filed.
K-1, Schedule Q, or foreign trust
amounts for each partner, shareholder,
or residual interest holder.
Page 3


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