Instructions For Form 8082 Page 2


Regulations section 301.6241-1T(c)(2)(v)
If a TMP or electing large partnership
adjustment is allowed, the partnership
for the tax year to have the consolidated
files Form 8082 as an AAR on behalf of
must pay tax in an amount equal to that
audit rules apply.
the pass-through entity, the TMP or
excess amount.
electing large partnership must file it with
4. If you are a shareholder in an S
2. It may elect not to pass the
the service center where the original
corporation for a tax year beginning after
adjustment through to current partners by
partnership, S corporation, or REMIC
1996, except as a notice of inconsistent
paying tax on any imputed underpayment
return was filed.
treatment when the shareholder's return
that results from the adjustment, as
is not consistent with the return of the S
If a partner, shareholder, or residual
explained in section 6242(b)(4).
corporation. However, an AAR cannot be
interest holder files Form 8082 as an
In either case, the partnership is liable
filed to adjust subchapter S items.
AAR, it must be filed in duplicate. The
for any interest and penalties on the
Instead, the shareholders must file
original copy is filed with the partner's,
imputed underpayment that results from
amended income tax returns.
shareholder's, or residual interest holder's
the adjustment. See section 6242(b) for
amended income tax return, and the other
details. Interest is figured on the imputed
5. If you are a beneficiary of an estate
copy is filed with the service center where
or domestic trust, or a beneficiary or an
underpayment for the period beginning on
the pass-through entity return is filed.
owner of a foreign trust, except as a
the day after the due date (excluding
notice of inconsistent treatment when the
Generally, you may file an AAR to
extensions) of the partnership return for
beneficiary's or owner's return is not
change items from a pass-through entity
the adjusted year and ending on the due
consistent with the return of the estate or
for any tax year of that entity at any time
date (excluding extensions) of the
trust. However, an AAR cannot be filed to
that is:
partnership return for the tax year the
adjust estate or trust items. Instead, the
adjustment takes effect (or the date the
1. Within 3 years after the later of:
beneficiary or owner must file an
partnership paid the tax due under 2
The date on which the pass-through
amended income tax return.
above, if earlier). The adjusted year is
entity return for that year is filed, or
the partnership tax year in which the item
6. If you are a residual interest holder,
The last day for filing the pass-through
being adjusted arose.
and all of the following apply:
entity return for that year (excluding
Attach Form 8082 to an amended Form
Your REMIC had no more than 10
extensions); and
1065-B for the adjusted year. Enter in the
residual interest holders at any one time
2. Before a notice of final
top margin of the amended return “See
during the tax year.
pass-through entity administrative
attached Form 8082 for AAR per IRC
If at any time during the tax year the
adjustment for that year is mailed to the
section 6251.” Be sure to check box G(3)
REMIC had more than one residual
on page 1 of the amended return. Identify
interest holder, each residual interest
A partnership return or a REMIC return
in Part II of Form 8082 the amount and
holder was either an individual (other than
is generally due by the 15th day of the 4th
treatment of any item the partnership is
a nonresident alien) or an estate (or for
month following the close of the
changing from the way it was reported on
tax years ending after August 5, 1997, a
partnership's or REMIC's tax year. An S
the original return. If the partnership elects
C corporation).
corporation return is generally due by the
to pay the tax, enter it on line 26 of page
The REMIC did not have an election in
15th day of the 3rd month following the
1 of the amended Form 1065-B. Do not
effect under section 6231(a)(1)(B)(ii) for
close of the S corporation's tax year.
enter any other amounts on the amended
the tax year to have the consolidated
Special rules apply if the period of
Form 1065-B. Attach a computation of the
audit rules apply.
limitations has been extended by
tax to Form 8082. The IRS will bill the
7. If you are a partner in an electing
agreement and in the case of an AAR that
partnership for any interest and penalties
large partnership. Partners must report all
relates to the deductibility of bad debts or
it owes.
partnership items consistently with their
worthless securities. See sections 6227
If the income, deductions, credits, or
treatment on the partnership return as
and 6251 for details.
other information provided to any partner
shown on Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B).
on Schedule K-1 are incorrect under
Judicial Review of an AAR
Only the partnership may file an AAR.
section 704 in the partner's distributive
If the IRS fails to act on an AAR, you may
share of any partnership item shown on
file a petition for judicial review with the
Form 1065-B, file an amended Schedule
If you disregard the requirements for filing
United States Tax Court, United States
K-1 (Form 1065-B) for that partner with
Form 8082, you may be subject to the
Court of Federal Claims, or United States
Form 8082. Also give the partner a copy
accuracy-related penalty under section
District Court. You must file the petition
of the amended Schedule K-1.
6662 or the fraud penalty under section
before the date that is 2 years after the
6663. Either penalty is in addition to any
date you filed the AAR, but not until after
Specific Instructions
tax that results from a computational
the date that is 6 months from the date
adjustment to make your amount or
Specific instructions for most of the lines
of such filing. The 2-year period may be
treatment of the item consistent with the
have been provided. Lines that do not
extended if the IRS and you agree in
amount or treatment of the item on the
appear in the instructions are
writing. For more details, see sections
pass-through entity's return.
self-explanatory. If, after reading the
6228 and 6252.
instructions, you are unable to complete
How Many Forms To Complete
Special Rules for Electing Large
an item in Part I or Part II, enter “See Part
III” in the entry space for that item.
You must complete and file a separate
form for each pass-through entity for
Note: If the pass-through entity did not
An electing large partnership may file an
which you are reporting an inconsistent
file a return or give you a Schedule K-1,
AAR to adjust partnership items.
or AAR item. If you are reporting more
Schedule Q, or foreign trust statement by
Generally, the electing large partnership
than four inconsistent or AAR items from
the time you are required to file your
has two choices for handling the
one pass-through entity, use additional
return, complete Parts I and II to the best
Forms 8082.
of your knowledge.
1. It can combine the adjustment with
the same partnership item for the year in
How and When To File
Part I
which the IRS allows the adjustment and
If you file Form 8082 as a notice of
Line 1. Check box (a) if either 1 or 2
pass it through to the current partners for
inconsistent treatment, complete a single
below applies:
that year. However, if the adjustment
copy of the form, attach it to your tax
involves a reduction in a credit which
1. You believe an item was not
return, and file it when you file your
properly reported on the Schedule K-1,
exceeds the amount of that credit for the
original return.
Schedule Q, or foreign trust statement
partnership tax year in which the
you received; or
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