Instructions For Form 8082


Instructions for Form 8082
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
(Revised January 2000)
Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or
Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR)
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
Schedule K-1. An annual schedule (or
Schedule Q, or foreign trust statement by
General Instructions
similar statement used as a substitute for
the time you are required to file your tax
return (including extensions), and there
Schedule K-1) reporting the partner's,
Purpose of Form
shareholder's, or beneficiary's share of
are items you must include on your return.
If you are a partner, S corporation
income, deductions, credits, etc., from a
Caution: If you do not notify the IRS that
shareholder, beneficiary of an estate or
partnership, S corporation, estate, or
you are reporting an item (Part I, line 1,
trust, owner of a foreign trust, or residual
domestic trust.
box a) inconsistently, any deficiency
interest holder in a real estate mortgage
Schedule Q. A quarterly schedule (or
(including any late filing or late payment
investment conduit (REMIC), you
similar statement used as a substitute for
penalties applicable to the deficiency) that
generally must report items consistent
Schedule Q) reporting the residual
results from a computational adjustment
with the way they were reported to you
interest holder's share of taxable income
to make your amount or treatment of the
on Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or a
or net loss from the REMIC.
item consistent with the amount or
foreign trust statement. See Definitions
treatment of the item on the partnership's,
Foreign trust statement. Any of the
below. However, there may be reasons
S corporation's, estate's, trust's, or
following annual statements furnished by
why you wish to report these items
REMIC's return may be assessed
a foreign trust to its owners or
immediately. An inconsistent item can
Use Form 8082 to notify the IRS of any
exist on either your original or amended
Foreign Grantor Trust Owner
such inconsistency between your tax
treatment of an item and the way the
3. Administrative adjustment
Foreign Grantor Trust Beneficiary
pass-through entity treated and reported
request (AAR). You are filing Form 8082
Statement, or
the same item on its return. Also use the
as an AAR to adjust pass-through items.
Foreign Nongrantor Trust Beneficiary
form to notify the IRS if you did not
receive Schedule K-1 from the
Who May Not File
partnership, S corporation, estate or
Do not file Form 8082:
Who Must File
domestic trust, Schedule Q from the
1. For any amount of loss, deduction,
Generally, file Form 8082 if any one of
REMIC, or a foreign trust statement from
or credit from Schedule K-1, Schedule Q,
the following applies:
the foreign trust by the due date for filing
or foreign trust statement that you do not
your return (including extensions).
1. Schedule K-1, Schedule Q, or a
report on your return because the amount
However, do not file Form 8082 as a
foreign trust statement is incorrect.
is otherwise limited by law (such as a loss
partner in an electing large partnership.
You believe an item was not properly
limited by the at-risk or passive activity
Instead, you must report all partnership
reported on (a) the Schedule K-1 you
items in a manner consistent with the way
received from the partnership, S
2. If you are a partner, and all of the
the partnership reported them on
corporation, estate, or domestic trust, (b)
following apply:
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065–B).
the Schedule Q you received from the
Your partnership had no more than 10
Also use Form 8082 to make an
REMIC, or (c) the foreign trust statement
partners at any one time during the tax
administrative adjustment request (AAR).
you received from the foreign trust.
year. A husband and wife (and their
An AAR is:
The same is true if you believe an item
estates) are treated as one partner.
1. A request by the tax matters partner
shown on your Schedule K-1, Schedule
Each partner was either an individual
or tax matters person (TMP) to correct
Q, or foreign trust statement is incorrect
(other than a nonresident alien) or an
but it is not an item that otherwise has to
items on the original partnership, S
estate (or for tax years ending after
be reported on your tax return. For
corporation (for a tax year beginning
August 5, 1997, a C corporation).
before 1997), or REMIC return.
example, if you believe that the
percentage shown as your ownership of
For tax years ending before August 6,
2. A request by a partner (other than
capital at the end of the year was not
1997, each partner's proportionate share
a partner in an electing large partnership),
properly reflected on Schedule K-1, file
of each partnership item was the same
shareholder (for a tax year beginning
Form 8082 to report this, even though you
as his or her proportionate share of every
before 1997), or residual interest holder
are not otherwise required to report that
other item.
to correct pass-through items on that
percentage on your tax return. If you
The partnership did not have an
person's income tax return.
discover this kind of inconsistency after
election in effect under section
3. A request by an electing large
filing your original return, file an amended
6231(a)(1)(B)(ii) for the tax year to have
partnership to correct items on the original
return to report it. In the space provided
the consolidated audit rules apply.
partnership return.
on the amended return for writing
3. If you are a shareholder in an S
explanations, write “See attached Form
corporation for a tax year beginning
8082.” In this case, no amounts need to
before 1997, and all of the following
Pass-through entity. A partnership
be entered on the amended return if the
(including an electing large partnership),
Form 8082 item is the only reason for
S corporation, estate, trust, or REMIC.
Your S corporation had no more than
filing the amended return.
five shareholders at any one time during
Item. Any item of a partnership, S
2. Partnership, S corporation,
the tax year.
corporation, estate, trust, or REMIC
estate, trust, or REMIC has not filed a
Each shareholder was either an
required to be taken into account for the
tax return or given you a Schedule K-1,
pass-through entity's tax year by the
individual or an estate.
Schedule Q, or foreign trust statement.
partners, shareholders, beneficiaries,
The S corporation did not have an
The pass-through entity has not filed a tax
owners, or residual interest holders of that
election in effect under Temporary
return or given you a Schedule K-1,
pass-through entity.
Cat. No. 62051N


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