Sample Resignation Letter Template


Resignation & Counter Offers
No matter how much you want to leave your current position, resigning can be a difficult and
stressful task. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the anxiety. First and foremost,
your resignation should come in the form of a letter. Putting your thoughts in a letter will help
reduce anxiety and is also the most professional way to handle the process. Your resignation letter
will become part of your personnel file. The letter should be courteous, positive and decisive, leaving
no room for counteroffer discussion. (See example below) Secondly, give a fair and professional
notice. Two weeks is typically an appropriate time frame for you to wrap up any loose ends and for
the company to put a plan in place regarding your replacement. Consulting with your Ambrion
recruiter will help alleviate some of the stress associated with this process and assure the process is
handled with the utmost professionalism. At the end of the day we want to maintain positive
relationships with all those we have worked with in the past. You never know when one of these
relationships will cycle back into your professional life. It is imperative that they remember how
professionally you handled yourself.
Example Resignation Letter:
Date: 01/01/2000
Managers Name
Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from XYZ Company, effective (2 weeks
from the date above). It has been a pleasure working with XYZ Company and the knowledge I have
gained throughout the years has been invaluable. This is an irrevocable decision that I have made
based on the needs of my fa mily and for my own reasons of professional growth.
In the next two weeks, I will work diligently to tie up any loose ends that may still be outstanding.
Sincere thanks and best wishes for continued success.
John S mith


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