Employment Related Claim Mitigation Initiative


Employment Related Claim Mitigation Initiative
Letter of Intent Regarding Education Program
The College or Organizational Unit of ______________________________agrees to participate
in the “Supporting Supervisors in the Workplace” education program with the intent to comply
with and fulfill the requirements as outlined in the attached Employment Related Claim
Mitigation Initiative Document.
Stated College/ Organizational Unit agrees to an implementation date beginning __________
and concluding __________ (the Implementation Period). College/ Organizational Unit
understands this period will not exceed three years. It is further agreed that the anniversary
date to be utilized in calculating the training participation progress rate will be the annual
period beginning with the beginning implementation date above.
College/ Organizational Unit will make a best faith effort in attaining participation levels as
indicated in the education program, and understands it may be eligible for certain deductible
waivers based on participation levels as outlined in the attached program document.
Signature of College/ Organizational Unit VP/dean
Note-This form to be signed by each Purdue Organizational Unit VP, dean, or equivalent
This form to be printed, completed, signed, and faxed/e-mail scanned to Tiffany Utermark in
the Risk Management Department: Fax 765-496-1338 or e-mail tutermark@purdue.edu


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