Suggested Texts For Email Reminders And Notifications Page 5


Director of Institutional Research
Faculty Members:
Your students will receive their electronic End of Course survey emails at their TROY email accounts beginning
Wednesday, November 30th. Please ask your students to clear their mailboxes so that they can receive their
emails. Also, please encourage all students to participate in this important institutional effectiveness process
by completing their surveys. If they do not receive an email with a link to your course, have them send an email
and ask that they provide their TROY email address, name and missing course
number. Periodic email reminders to complete the End of Course surveys will be sent to all students.
Thank you for your help with this process. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank You Notifications
Dear {FirstName} {LastName},
Thank you for completing the following SETE:
Dear {FirstName} {LastName},
Thank you for completing the following course evaluation surveys:
If your instructor is awarding bonus points for participation, print off this message as verification of survey
completion and show it to them.
BTW, Any remaining surveys pending your participation are listed below this line:
Your responses are very important to us as they help us improve our teaching.
Much thanks again,
Brenda G. Turner, Ph.D., CUA
Director of Institutional Research


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