Suggested Texts For Email Reminders And Notifications Page 2


Dear {FirstName} {LastName},
Your opinion counts! Please log in to to complete the Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness for
the following courses before 11:59pm on 12/16/2011:
Your identity is confidential. During the survey administration, an instructor can see the number of surveys
completed for a course, but they cannot identify who has responded. After the survey administration is closed,
instructors receive the combined response data. They cannot identify which student gave a response.
You will receive an email for each completed survey.
Thank You!
Student Reminder # 2
Monday, November 21
is the last day to access the online End-of-Course Evaluations. To access the survey,
students need to use the Internet to go to the following web address:
This link will take you to a page where you can log in. You will need to use your Web Advisor Log in name and
password in order to gain access to the listing of courses for which you are currently scheduled. You will need
to click on the "Students" option and may take all of your surveys at once or wait and take only the survey
corresponding to the class that you are currently in.
We understand that students may run into problems with their passwords. There is a link on the Login page
that will take you to the WebAdvisor Help Screen to resolve any log in problems. The NTS Helpdesk (364-5000)
has also been advised that students may need assistance with their WebAdvisor usernames and passwords.
Should any other issue arise and further assistance is needed, please contact Celina Solis-Hernandez at ext.
Although you are using your WebAdvisor logins, all responses are anonymous. Student identifying information
is detached from responses when the SUBMIT button is clicked.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Dear {FirstName},
A gentle reminder...
Please take a few minutes to evaluate courses you are taking this fall by clicking the link below:


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