Critical Literacy Plan
Lesson Plans
I. Introduction
Teacher presents students with a UNICEF box
and ask:
Focus Question:
- What is this?
What role does
- What do you know about it?
UNICEF play in
- What is it for?
helping children
- Why is it necessary?
around the world?
- Who might benefit?
Key Strategies:
- Who might not?
Focused Viewing
Students have the opportunity to research
UNICEF to discover its purpose and focus
(e.g., pamphlets, Internet)
II. Our Rights
Teacher asks students to reflect on the
class’s Charter of Rights (developed earlier
Focus Questions:
in the year)
What might others
Thinking aloud, teacher models for students
think about our
how to take a critical stance (e.g., “ I
class’ rights? Why?
wonder what other children might think about
Key Strategies:
our Charter of Rights ” )
Modeled Reading
Teacher reads aloud the text, The Carpet
Thinking Aloud
Boy’s Gift
Teacher uses a think aloud strategy to model
Anchor Chart
questioning and making connections as
strategies for deepening understanding
Possible “ thinking ” points:
Power relationships (e.g., Who holds the
power? How is power represented?)
Point of view/alternative voices (How
might the master’s experiences have
influenced how he behaves today?)
Symbolism (e.g., How has the author
represented literacy and freedom? How
might you represent literacy and freedom?)
Text-illustration interplay (e.g., What
story do the illustrations tell? How do
they support the story? How might you have
illustrated this book?)
Language (e.g., How does the author’s
choice of words shape the message? How