Dog Adoption Contract


I/We, the undersigned Adopter/s, understand and agree to the following terms of this contract in order to adopt
the dog, further described within this document. I/we understand that non-compliance with the terms of this
agreement gives the former owner the right to reclaim this dog without refund of the adoption fee or other
compensation. The contract shall remain in effect for the life of the dog, or until the return of the dog to Owner.
Description of Dog:
Dog’s Name: ___________________________ Breed: _________________________ Age/DOB: ____________
Sex: ________ Spay/Neuter:_________ Color/Description: ___________________________________________
Microchip/Tattoo Number: _________________________ Dog Registry Number: ________________________
Name of Veterinarian: _______________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Date of last known vaccinations and health checks:
Exam: _________ Heartworm check: ________ Result: _______ Fecal check: _______ Result: _______
Rabies: ___________ DHP: ___________ Parvo: __________ Corona: _________ Bordetella: ________
Name of heartworm preventive and date of next dose________________________________________________
Known health conditions/treatments or other comments: _____________________________________________
Terms and Conditions of the Adoption Contract:
An adoption fee of $__________ will be collected from the adopter at the time of adoption.
I agree that I will keep and care for this dog in a safe and humane manner, and as a family pet and companion.
The dog will have appropriate food, water, shelter and medical care for the duration of its life.
I agree to abide by all state and local animal control and leash laws. I understand it is my responsibility to become
familiar with these laws and to license the dog according to all regulations.
I shall inform the former owner if I am no longer able to care for this dog and with sufficient time for the prior
owner to exercise their retained Right of First Refusal and to reclaim the dog.
I understand that the former owner makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the health or temperament of
this dog. I agree to be fully and solely responsible for this animal, and for any damages that may result from its
actions. The former owner, its heirs or representatives, shall not be held liable for the behavior of this dog or any
damages it may cause.
I enter into this contract of my own free will and understand that this is a binding contract enforceable by civil law.
Adopter’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Adopter’s Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
To the best of my knowledge, this dog has no defects which make it unsuitable as a family pet and all information
contained in this contract is true and correct. I certify that this dog has never bitten or injured any human.
Owner’s Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Owner’s Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________


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