When You Need Rh Immune Globulin Page 2


When is WinRho
is given at 28 weeks and when
you deliver, if your baby is Rh positive.
Do I need WinRho
every time I get pregnant?
is recommended with each pregnancy. It will help protect your baby and any
future pregnancies.
Once your body makes antibodies, they do not go away. Every time you get pregnant, the
risk to your baby is more serious.
What are the risks of WinRho
is a blood product. These steps are taken to make it safe:
all donors are tested for viruses (e.g., HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C)
the product is filtered and treated to kill viruses
has been used since 1968 in Canada with very few serious effects reported. If
you have questions, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider.
What if I choose not to get WinRho
Without WinRho
, there is a 12 percent chance you will form Rh antibodies that can harm
your baby. The risk increases with each pregnancy.
What are the side effects of WinRho
Most people who get WinRho
have no side effects. Rarely, WinRho
can cause:
pain at the injection site
fever (temperature over 38.5 °C or 101.3 °F)
feeling weak and unwell (malaise)
a headache
an allergic reaction (e.g., hives), which is usually not bad and goes away quickly
Is there any other way to prevent HDN?
is the only way to prevent HDN caused by the Rh factor. If you have any
questions or concerns, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider.
For More Information
For 24-hour nurse advice and health information, call Health Link Alberta at
403-943-LINK (5465) in Calgary,
780-408-LINK (5465) in Edmonton, or
1-866-408-LINK (5465) toll free.
This material is for information purposes only. It should not be used in place of medical advice, instruction and/or
treatment. If you have questions, speak with your doctor or appropriate healthcare provider.
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