Risk Assessment Questionnaire Page 4


Please indicate the status of training in your department?
_____ 1. Training is provided at least annually to all applicable employees, and there are
discussions with employees to confirm that training is adequate.
_____ 2. Some training is being provided to applicable employees; however, additional
training is needed.
_____ 3. Very little training is being provided, and the adequacy of the training is not
Date of Last Audit
When was the last time that your department was reviewed by either internal audit or external
auditors (KPMG) as part of the financial audit or A-133 audit?
_____ 1. Reviewed by either internal or external auditor within the last 2 years.
_____ 2. Last review by internal or external auditors was conducted within 3 to 5 years
_____ 3. Last review by internal or external auditors was completed over 5 years ago.
Controls and Prior Exceptions
If your department had either an internal audit or was part of the external audit, what kind of
findings or exceptions were there?
_____ 1. Only minor exceptions were noted in the department’s activities and they have
been addressed.
_____ 2. Some minor to moderate exceptions have occurred causing some control
_____ 3. Significant exceptions have been revealed during past audits/
Degree of Dependence
Describe the number of University organization units supported by the department:
_____ 1. The department/area does not serve other organizational units, or at most one
other organization unit. Department is mostly self-contained.
_____ 2. Department serves limited informational needs of several dependent
organizations within the University.
_____ 3. Department meets full and very complex informational needs of numerous
dependent organizations within the University.
Impact of Inaccurate Data
What would be the relative effect of inaccurate data to the department’s capability to provide
internal or external service?
_____ 1. Incorrect or inaccurate information generated by the department would have
little or no impact on the operations of the University.
_____ 2. Incorrect or inaccurate information generated by the department has a moderate
impact on the operations of the University.
_____ 3. Incorrect or inaccurate information generated by the department activity has a
serious impact on the operations of the University.


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