The Rock Cycle Lab


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The Rock Cycle Lab
The rock cycle is a never-ending process. Igneous rock forms from magma or lava. Weathering breaks
igneous rock into sediments such as pebbles and sand. These small pieces are compacted and cemented
under pressure into sedimentary rock. Under great heat and pressure inside the Earth’s crust, igneous
and sedimentary rocks are changed into metamorphic rocks. These rocks are brought to the earth’s
surface where they are weathered again into sediments to become sedimentary rocks.
hot plate
10 butterscotch or peanut
sheet of aluminum foil
10 milk chocolate chips
butter chips
heavy books
10 white chocolate chips
plastic knife, paper plate
Safety Concern: The hot plate will cause burns. Use it carefully.
4 points for completing the lab correctly ________________
Part 1 Making Weathering Rocks Procedure
A. Pour one color of chips on the plate and cut them into little pieces and shavings with the plastic
knife. (The smaller the pieces and shavings, the better)
B. Pour the little pieces and shavings on to the aluminum foil.
C. Take another color of chips and cut them up into little pieces.
D. Pour the little pieces and shavings on top of the other color on the foil.
E. Repeat with the last color.
Describe your observations.
2. Draw and color what you see from the top.
3. Draw and color what you see from the side.
Part 2 Making Sedimentary Rock Procedure
A. Fold the aluminum foil over your three layers of chips.
B. Place two –three heavy books over the aluminum foil and leave for 3 minutes.
C. Take off the books and observe the chips.
4. Describe your observations in the space below.


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